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July 30, 2012 @ 8:58 AM



Note from Bonnie Vent.  This is another example of the control grid that Michael has been so worried about.  If you peel back the smokescreen it is very clear to see that Katherine and Michael's children are indeed being held captive in the Calabasas mansion.  EVERYTHING is controlled by the estate attorneys.  

This is not a Jackson family feud.  This is the estate atttorneys taking control over Katherine's life and thank God this letter was leaked and is now public information.   

How would anyone in their right mind think that it is normal to bar an 82 year old woman from seeing her children and grandchildren.  

Randy has said that he is afraid for ...


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July 28, 2012 @ 7:01 PM

He will tell you in his own words how he felt about his family and the never-ending attacks of the press.

Note from Bonnie Vent:

Michael was very strong at the time this interview was recorded. He fought for the truth and was vindicated. Sadly the press cared more about ratings than facts. They ruined his good name, his home, and for many years the ability to do what he loved the most in the United States.

Michael left the United States even after being found not guilty on all charges. The press continued to proclaim him guilty with no regard to the facts, which are still on record with the court. Some people to this day feel that he was guilty. Even with the deck stacked against him, he prevailed in court but he did not prevail over the...

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July 23, 2012 @ 10:00 AM

Katherine Jackson and Michael's children Prince, Paris and Blanket

Katherine Jackson (far right), with Prince, Paris and Blanket

Michael Becker/FOX/PictureGroup



Hi Everyone,

I know personally that Michael has expressed deep concern for the safety of his Mother and his children. This has been ongoing since his death. He refers to it as a control grid.

The letter asking the estate attorneys to resign has been substantiated by more than one Jackson family member. If you read the letter you see that the signers of the letter all feel that Katherine and the children are being controlled. So their feelings and Michael's match.

Katherine and the children live in a home provided by the estate attorneys after being removed from their family home. Michael was very concerned about ...

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July 14, 2012 @ 10:26 AM

On July 4, 2012 a very brief public message came through from Michael Jackson.  So few words, but so profound.  

"It is our history to stand up for what is right, to reject oppression, and to be free individuals.  This message is even more true today.  United we are a force that is magical and healing. Choose love."  MJ

I received a lovely email today that perhaps expresses the feelings of many people and certainly embodies the spirit of Michael's recent message.  The author of this email wanted to make sure she was heard.  I am happy to deliver her message to all who come here seeking comfort and truth.


Hi Bonnie,

My name is Shannon, I am currently attending BCIT (......


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