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Buy/Sell Real Haunted House
Real Haunted Houses For Sale

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Need a reading, mandala or some jewelry?  Check it out. 

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 The San Diego Paranormal Research will teamed up with your Professional Licensed Real Estate Agents to assist with the buying and selling of alledgedly Haunted Houses and property  throughout the United States.  We will also handle requests for regular houses. 

This looks like the type of house you would want to visit on Halloween. The owners would probably hand out the best Halloween candy and have the best Halloween decorations in town.

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Real Haunted House Listings






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google.com, pub-0240078091788753, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Need a reading, mandala or some jewelry?  Check it out. 

Bonnie Vent products and services website


Readings/Consultation button

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Web Design by: Genesis Creations Entertainment

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