21 Jan 2004
Name: Charles
City: Sun Valley
State: CA
Date Experience Occurred: 10/28/03
Approximate time: Evening
Where did you have this experience?: my house
With whom did you come in contact?: No idea
In what area did this occur?: my sister’s room
Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: no
Did you experience cold spots?: no
Moving furniture or lights?: yes
Knocking or other sounds?: no
Please explain your experience: This one night I was alone with my sister and her friend and I was talking to them when out of the corner of my eye I saw a white/clear figure come out of my parent’s room and out into the living room. I looked into my parent’s room and there was nothing... then I went out into the living room and I saw the chandelier swinging back and forth like someone hit it... I wasn't really bothered by it though because there have been other experiences like that before but that was the most recent one before we moved...