7 Sep 2006
Name: Amanda
City: San Diego
State: CA
Date Experience Occurred: 1984-1986
Approximate time: Evening
Where did you have this experience?: My house
With whom did you come in contact?: great grandma
In what area did this occur?: Lakeside, CA
Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: no
Did you experience cold spots?: no
Moving furniture or lights?: no
Knocking or other sounds?: no
Please explain your experience: From about the age of 5 to about age 10, I had dreams of a woman with a long flowing blue dress, long hair, and long finger nails floating in front of me. She appeared to be surrounded by a white type of cloud. I never felt scared but after several years I began to wonder why. Finally one day I told my grandmother about the dreams. My grandmother told me that her mother "my great grandmother whom I’ve never met was buried in a long blue dress. She had long nails and hair too. After telling her the dreams stopped. Can someone explain?