13 May 2004
Name: Toni
City: San Diego
State: CA
Date Experience Occurred: 1994
Approximate time: Morning
Where did you have this experience?: My house in Santee, CA.
With whom did you come in contact?: No idea
In what area did this occur?: Front yard occurred at the fence line separating our house from the neighbor’s house
Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: no
Did you experience cold spots?: no
Moving furniture or lights?: no
Knocking or other sounds?: no
Please explain your experience: I was lucky enough to have my friend Tracy with me when it happened! We were taking a break from helping the neighbor move. We were standing together talking. I have no idea what made us look up at the same time but we both looked up and saw a curl of white "smoke" right where we had been stepping over the flattened fence. We turned to look at each other and then back at the white stuff. Then it was gone. It didn’t fade away; it was there and then it wasn’t. We looked closely at the ground to make sure it was not a lit cigarette that had been tossed away. There was nothing there but dirt! I went inside my home and saw a second one above my coffee table.