19 May 2008
City: Rockford
State: IL
Date Experience Occurred: 02-01-2008
Approximate time: Midnight
Where did you have this experience?: My house
With whom did you come in contact?: No idea
In what area did this occur?: every place in my home
Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: no
Did you experience cold spots?: yes
Moving furniture or lights?: yes
Knocking or other sounds?: yes
Please explain your experience: I just purchased my home, It was built in 1918 and we have been experiencing lights going on and off, slamming of doors,noises and feeling sick in the home and when we leave we feel better. And now we are having night terrors, and we cant sleep. Our animals are acting funny we have four cats and one dog.Also we here footsteps around the house and in our bathroom which our attic is off of.Our two year old son also screamed one night about 3 am and was fully sleeping and was not aware of this.