19 May 2008
City: Santee
State: CA
Date Experience Occurred: 1992
Approximate time: 06:00pm
Where did you have this experience?: My house
With whom did you come in contact?: an unknown boy
In what area did this occur?: my family's living room
Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: no
Did you experience cold spots?: no
Moving furniture or lights?: no
Knocking or other sounds?: no
Please explain your experience: Nobody else believes me so... I was about four years old and it was almost dinner time. Being the kid that I was, eating dinner with family was not my idea of having fun. After being called for probably ten minutes to come to the dining room, I scampered out of my room and stood in behind the wall of the kitchen and the dining room, thinking it was funny to see my poor parents get so mad that I was taking so long. I was standing right in front of an old grandfather clock we have in the room right before the dining room, and I was looked at myself in the reflection in the glass, then I saw immediately behind me, still looking in the glass, a boy who looked like my brother who was eight at the time. I said, "Andrew?" (my brother's name), turned around, there was noone there, looked into the dining room and my brother had been sitting with the rest of my family the entire time. That was not the only weird thing that has happened to me in this house that I've lived in for twenty years now. No one else seems to see or hear the things that I do, so I have finally just started telling people what I have "experienced" because after all this time I've gotten really frustrated with having not said anything for so long. Thank you for your time.