Name: Christina
City: Vista
State: CA
Date Experience Occurred: since July 2006
Approximate time: Midnight
Where did you have this experience?: Carrow's in North County
With whom did you come in contact?: Little girl
In what area did this occur?: Dinning area and kitchen of restaurant
Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: no
Did you experience cold spots?: yes
Moving furniture or lights?: yes
Knocking or other sounds?: no
Please explain your experience : Since I have started working at Carrow's in July I have heard from other employees and witnessed myself some ghostly activity. Employees who have worked there for longer have told me about a little girl ghost walking around, making noise and moving objects. I have seen evidence of this such as nights where I am the only worker and objects mysteriously have been moved or knocked out of their original place. I have also seen many times empty cups with drops of orange soda inside... the orange soda in the soda machine constantly runs mysteriously by itself.