Sleep Expert -- Dr. Nader Kamangar Testifies
Updated 10/12/11 at 1:50 PM
Dr. Nadar Kamangar -- a pulmonary and critical care doctor who specializes in sleep medicine -- just told the jury Dr. Conrad Murray's use of Propofol outside of a highly monitored facility was "inconceivable" and "disturbing."
Kamangar -- who is an adviser for the CA Medical Board -- said he found "multiple extreme deviations" in Murray's standard of care as it relates to insomnia.
* Dr. Kamangar told the court insomnia is a common problem in the ICU ... he said he uses Propofol on a daily basis.
* Kamangar said Propofol should be used with caution because it can be extremely unpredictable, especially when used with other sedatives.
* He said Murray's treatment of Michael Jackson amounted to "gross negligence."
* Kamangar told prosecutors it's "imperative" to administer Propofol through an automated pump to because it's so powerful.
* According to Kamangar , Murray should have never given MJ any sedatives because he was dehydrated ... which means his blood pressure was already low.
* He also said Murray's failure to call 911 was an "unconscionable deviation of care" adding, Murray wasted critical time calling MJ's assistant instead of calling 911.
* Murray also broke one of the first rules of medicine -- putting your patient first -- when he witheld information from ER docs.
* He also said Murray was unethical when he chose to ignore "clear signs" of MJ's drug addiction.