The lawyer for Dr. David Adams, Libo Agwara called into Headline News on Friday to discuss the claim that Conrad Murray made in his interview with the LAPD. As viewers/followers of the Conrad Murray trial are aware, Murray's interview with LAPD which was made two days after Michael Jackson's passing was played in court on Friday. The entire interview was not played due to timing, but court will resume on Tuesday. According to Agwara, Dr. Adams is reportedly considering a civil suit against Conrad Murray.
Michael Jackson's doctor is on trial for involuntary manslaughter, and Dr. Adams is expected to testify at some point. According to the HLN interviews, Adams' lawyer stated that his client is very upset with what he heard on Friday in regard to the claim that Conrad Murray made in his LAPD statement to the police, and is so upset that he is considering legal action. AsHuffington Postreports, Conrad Murray alleged in his LAPD interview that Michael Jackson said that Dr. Adams had given Michael Jackson propofol before.