16 Mar 2011
Conrad Murray: Michael Broke the Syringe!
3/16/2011 11:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
A huge development in the Dr. Conrad Murray trial involving the death of Michael Jackson ... the defense wants a first generation fingerprint of a broken syringe found in MJ's bedroom the day he died ... and our sources say they think it could prove that Michael killed himself.
Dr. Murray's lawyers were in court this AM. Among other things, they lasered in on a broken syringe that had rolled under Michael's deathbed. The defense wants a first generation fingerprint to determine who was handling it.
Defense sources tell us ... Dr. Murray insists he did not break the syringe. As TMZ first reported ... the defense believes MJ caused his own death by giving himself a massive overdose of Propofol while Murray was out of the room.
Defense sources say ... there were only two people in the room, and since Murray did not break the syringe, Michael must have handled it.
The defense is asking that the FBI deliver the first generation fingerprint.