6 Jan 2011
EMT: Murray Denied Giving MJ Drugs
Another paramedic testified ... Dr. Conrad Murray denied giving Michael Jackson drugs as the singer lay lifeless in his bedroom.
Martin Blount said when he walked into MJ's room Murray was sweating profusely. Blount says Murray told EMTs he waited only one minute before calling 911.
But another paramedic testified earlier he believed Murray waited between 20 minutes to an hour to call 911.
EMT: Murray Wouldn't Accept That Michael Was Dead
Updated 1/05/11 at 4:45pm
An EMT continued testifying after a recess, stating all of the emergency workers at Michael Jackson's house knew the singer was dead, but Dr. Murray wouldn't "call it. "
Richard Senneff testified about facts that TMZ has been reporting for more than a year -- that when paramedics arrived at MJ's house, there was no sign of life and no chance of revival. Nevertheless, Senneff testified Dr. Murray claimed to feel a pulse and, as the senior medical person on scene, refused to pronounce MJ dead.
Murray ordered the EMTs to take MJ to the hospital. Senneff said the ride was "unbelievable ... like the Rose Parade. People running down the street, taking pictures, random cars passing the ambulance. It was insane."
Once at UCLA, Senneff said Murray was "spinning ... moving around, nervous, sweating, multitasking."