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Michael Jackson / Conrad Murray in the news > It’s a Small World After All . . .

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2 Jun 2010


Special thanks to Seven and the MJ777 website for this article.  

It’s a Small World After All . . .



The Discussion Started with Fox News

A recent conversation about the Fox News/Murdoch/NewsCorp media juggernaut resulted in some very interesting (IMO) information about the interconnectedness of his empire with those connected in business dealings with Michael Jackson.  Am I advocating conspiracy theories here? No. But I do believe in the old adage: “follow the money“.

Doing so usually results in some very interesting “beneath the radar” manipulations or at least connections that people are otherwise unaware of.

Draw your own conclusions.

Fox News is owned by NewsCorp, which in turn has Rupert Murdoch and Kingdom Group (Prince AL Waleed Bin Talal Al Saud) as shareholders.

Murdoch owns Tabloids The Sun, News of the World and the The Times. Also Fox, Sky and ITV were the creators of  the ‘Living with Michael Jackson‘  hit piece and were Martin Bashir’s former employer.

Prince AL Waleed Bin Talal Al Saud was in parnership with Michael Jackson. The company was called Kingdom Entertainment which went into business with Sony. AL Waheed’s media consultant Tarek Ben Ammar became Jackson’s business manager and HIStory Tour manager.

AL Waleed also has shares in Disney and they were planning a theme park based on Peter Pans Neverland.  Michael Jackson’s Adventures in the Arabian Magic Kingdom:


Here is the theme park they planned:


This bit is really interesting:

Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal Al Saud (Kingdom Group) became involved in Fairmont hotels and formed a partnership in 2006 with Colony Capitol.

Remember this?  Neighbors say Never Never to Neverland Theme Park plan:


Now this - MJ Memorial Complex May Include Golf Course, Neverland-like Theme Park:


Speaking of golf courses, Colony Capital and Sunrise also merged. Who owns Sycamore Valley Ranch? And where was his lawyers when this was going on? Well, John Branca was his attorney during that period. Sycamore Valley Ranch (aka Neverland) is owned by a partnership between Colony Capitol and The Estate of Michael Jackson (formerly Michael Jackson).

Years of media abuse and 1993 extortionist allegations ->
Martin Bashir’s hit piece portraying Michael as a pedophile ->
2003-2005 extortionists allegations, legal & media crucifixion ->
Michael spiritually & financially depleted -> Neverland debt->
Jermaine -> Tohme -> Colony Capitol -> AEG -> Michael dead.

Fortress Investment Group – a hedge fund – bought some of Michael’s loans from Bank of America after he failed to make some payments. In December 2005, Fortress was ready to foreclose on the Neverland property. A restructuring of his finances with CitiGroup failed, and in 2008, in swooped Colony Capitol to buy Michael’s loans from Fortess, avoiding an auction. But Colony’s real objective was to back and profit from a revival of  Michael’s career. And, it was Thomas Barrack, CEO of Colony Capitol, who hooked Michel Jackson up with AEG for the O2 showswhile Tohme Tohme as his manager at the time, signed the deal. And it was Jermaine, Michael’s brother, who contacted Tohme to help Michael save Neverland in 2008. Tohme was working with Colony Capitol and enlisted Thomas Barrack of Colony to help save the ranch. They were initially reluctant until they figured they could profit off the deal if they could manipulate Michael into touring and performing again:

His backers envision the shows at AEG’s O2 as an audition for a career rebirth that could ultimately encompass a three-year world tour, a new album, movies, a Graceland-like museum, musical revues in Las Vegas and Macau, and even a “Thriller” casino. Such a rebound could wipe out Jackson’s massive debt.

…he (Barrack) was drawn to the deal. He owns a ranch five miles from Neverland, and his sons were among local children Jackson invited over for field days at the ranch. The financier retains close ties to the developer who built Neverland and is friendly with Wesley Edens, the chairman of the property’s debt-holder, Fortress Investment Group.

With the auction of Jackson’s home and possessions just days away, Barrack made the singer a proposition.

“I sat down with him and said, ‘Look . . . we can buy the note and restructure your financial empire,’ ” Barrack said. But, he told him, “what you need is a new caretaker. A new podium. A new engine.”

Tohme, who acted as Jackson’s manager until recently, recalled the urgency of the situation. “If he didn’t move fast, he would have lost the ranch,” Tohme said. “That would have been humiliating for Michael.”

Jackson and Barrack reached an agreement within seven days. Colony paid $22.5 million and Neverland averted foreclosure.

After buying Neverland, Barrack called his friend Anschutz (AEG). Barrack said the prospect of helping Jackson, given his recent criminal case, gave Anschutz, a devout Christian, pause. (Anschutz declined to be interviewed.)

Barrack had spent significant time with Jackson and praised him as “a genius” and devoted father. Ultimately, Anschutz agreed to put Jackson in touch with Randy Phillips, the CEO of his concert subsidiary.

Phillips had his eye on Jackson for some time. In 2007, Phillips approached the singer with a deal for a comeback, but Jackson, who was working with different advisors, turned him down. “He wasn’t ready,” Phillips recalled.

The Jackson Family Trust

Now, the recently and disrespectfully released trust details apparently state that the trustees of  the ‘Michael Jackson Family Trust‘ can at their leisure, lease or sell rights to oil, gas, and minerals beneath Neverland/Sycamore Valley Ranch and I’m reading these natural resources may be significant but I do not know that.

Apparently, that trust also states that the trustees may sell off any estate assets that are not profitable or not making money for the estate. It is suspected that at first opportunity, Michael’s share of the $ony/ATV catalog will be labeled ‘not profitable‘ and then offered up for sale – likely to$ony as preferred buyer.  It is also suspected that much of this is perhaps why Michael may have been murdered, among other potentials. In one word: money.

About Trusts: Trusts are a responsible way to leave your family and children a protected inheritance and are usually structured such that the money in the trust and/or control of the trust or estate is not granted until the children are of a mature age range (20s – 40s or thereabouts), nor is the money or control granted all at once. The way in which the ‘Michael Jackson Family Trust‘ is structured is not at all unusual in this regard regardless of what tabloids say.

What is unusual is that the will and the trust were written not by will and trust lawyers – but by music industry lawyers. Also unusual is that Branca and McClain not only wrote the will and structured the trust, also named themselves executors and trustees. These music industry lawyers attached themselves to it for its most profitable lifetime, by naming themselves executors and trustees of the will and the trust, respectively.  They get 10% of all profits made by that estate right off the top.  Add that to the fact that the will was signed in LA on a day that Michael was in New York City, and that the children’s names are incorrect on the will, and the amount of suspicion about ethics and motive of this entire setup increases, at least for me.

Another advantage of trusts: unlike wills, they are usually private. Unless some self-serving inside maggot sells the details to the tabloids for a nice and tidy sum, like someone did with Michael Jackson’s, evidently.  I won’t link to any tabloid articles referencing the trust here because I hate tabloids and out of respect for Michael. This information should have NEVER been publicized under any circumstances.

$ony/ATV again

John Branca has previously insisted that the $ony/ATV catalog is not for sale. However, like kudzu, and never ones to waste time moving in to grab the spoils of their kill so-to-speak, Colony Capitol keeps cropping up everywhere – and here they are again. Apparently they had put a bid on the catalog already in July 2009 – only weeks after Michael’s death.  On the other hand, I’m told it is up for sale again this Fall, however, I do not have any confirmation of that and do not know if that is the case, nor do I know how these things typically work. Also, $ony has beenchomping at the bit to get their grimy hands on it, having manipulated Michael for years over it, and having manipulated his contracts after 2002 so that he could not leave the label while owning half of it.

Wondering why Michael released albums on the $ony label after protesting their mistreatment of him and then claiming he was a ‘free agent‘ in 2002?  That’s why. It’s nothing to do with having ‘kissed and made up‘ with the label. Quite the contrary.  They manipulated his contracts so he could not leave the label. And this is why I refuse to buy a damn thing from $ony with Michael Jackson’s name on it.  It’s out of simple respect for Michael himself.  I have all the music of his that Michael Jackson intended me to have that he wanted released.  Anything put out after his murder is naught but a profit-making scheme by John Branca and $ony and is not of, or from Michael Jackson. Michael would never have, IMO, signed any $250 million deal with the label such as Branca recently did.

Justice in Michael’s Murder?  Forgetabouttit.

If you’re expecting justice in Michael’s murder, think again.  It seems unlikely given the flow of money to the relevant candidates’ coffers. AEG and John Branca give copius amounts of money to both AG Jerry Brown and DA Steven Cooley’s campaigns in California. Politicians can be bought and as a matter of fact, the usually are. District Attorneys and Attorneys General are one of the most corrupt  kind of political characters usually, simply because they are  a combination of both lawyers and politicians.  They can ignore, misinterpret, double-speak, manipulate, swerve around and beneath any law there is, and protect the worst criminals, while persecuting the most innocent among us – and they usually do. AEG in particular has business hooks well inserted into LA business and politics and their name will be protected at all costs, no matter what they did that may have contributed to Michael’s demise. Same with $ony, the various corprat-owned media giants one of which is NewsCorp, or anyone else who helped send Michael to his early grave.

And Conrad Murray, above all, who is being treated more like Michael should have been than like the negligent criminal he certainly is. In fact Colony Capital Investors II, L.P. owns Red Rock Country Club where Conrad Murray’s house is. That house was in foreclosure,  but oddly he still has it and no proceedings are known to have been initiated against him on this issue. One has to wonder what makes him so special.



So there you have it. Small world, isn’t it?
_ _ _

{ Thank you to my friend Karen who helped immensely with this piece. -Seven }


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