28 Apr 2003
Name: Dan City: San Francisco State: CA Date Experience Occurred: ~June 1993 Approximate time: Noon Where did you have this experience?: Whaley House With whom did you come in contact?: Anna Whaley In what area did this occur?: Room with Piano, 1st floor across from courtroom
Please explain your experience (600 maximum characters): 10 years ago, the tour guide let me go into the room with the piano and play on it for a minute - same piano used in the movie, Gone With the Wind. As I was sitting on the bench playing, an exceedingly bright, but soft white light appeared to my right. As I looked over, I saw a nearly full-torso ghost of a woman sitting on the piano bench beside me. Not much detail in appearance, but clearly the face of a woman whom I and the tour guide believed was Thomas' wife. The apparition was there for maybe 8 or 10 seconds (felt like an eternity!) before literally fading away.