21 Feb 2003
Name: Amy City: Escondido State: CA Date Experience Occurred: May 2001 Approximate time: Midnight Where did you have this experience?: Whaley House With whom did you come in contact?: Spotted Dog In what area did this occur?: Backyard Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: no Did you experience cold spots?: yes Moving furniture or lights?: no Knocking or other sounds?: yes
Please explain your experience (600 maximum characters): Decided to visit house, it was pretty late at night. In the back yard, I saw a dog and of course I tried to call it over to me. Chased after it, which is when I spotted a cat that the dog was chasing. At the time, I had no idea that a dog had been spotted in previous cases. It was just really scary, when the dog literally dissapeared with the cat by the back of the house, near the stairs.