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9 Jan 2008



'Ghost Hunters' to visit base this week

The TV show will investigate suspected paranormal activity at WPAFB's Area C.

> Where would you send Ghost Hunters around here?

Staff Writer

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

After years of reports about apparitions, disembodied voices and doors slamming on their own, Rachel Castle decided to call in the Ghost Busters.

Actually, Castle contacted the "Ghost Hunters," or The Atlantic Paranormal Society who have their own show on the SciFi Channel explaining ghosts and other paranormal activity.


Except instead of coming to her home, Castle invited them to her workplace — Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, where she works in public affairs.

"I'm personally a big fan of the show," she said. "They really try to disprove or find an explanation for these things. We are very excited to host them."

The "Ghost Hunters," Rhode Island plumbers-by-day Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, arrive Thursday to spend a week using high-tech cameras and other gear to try to catch unexplained voices, sounds and apparitions. The visit is expected to air this year.

They will spend the night at these Area C buildings:

• Arnold House: The oldest building on the base, where workers have heard children laughing and playing and unexplained footsteps after hours.

• Building 219: A former children's hospital that is now office space, where the ghost of a little boy has been sighted several times.

• Building 70: A former warehouse, now offices, where voices and other unexplained noises have been heard.

Carolyn Kugle, a Fairborn native and management assistant in Building 70, has heard boxes moving, knocking and voices after hours when she was alone in the building.

"I think its a ghost," she said. "It has to be something. Too many people have seen things in this building."

Why would an air base known for its secrecy and is often the target of conspiracies involving alien aircraft and spying technology invite "Ghost Hunters" to spend the night behind the fence?

"I think it will be interesting for people who work and live here to find out what happens here," said Castle, who had to clear the visit with the Pentagon. "There's a buzz on base about it."

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