20 Dec 2007
I worked in a haunted bar
So, I just found out that the “theatre” we’d been working in is haunted.

Our stage manager, who is apparently “sensitive” to spirits, can see them. Throughout the five days we were at the Q Bar, she saw a mother and daughter spirit always sitting or standing in a corner.
The Q Bar was one of our performance spaces and acted as our base where we met and put our stuff, so we spent a lot of time in there.

There’s also another female ghost residing outside the bar.
The security guards around the Arts House confirm that this is true.
We had a post mortem meeting today and all this was revealed after the meeting. We learned that there were times some of us even walked through the ghosts or sat on them.
There were some moments I was alone in the Q Bar late at night.
But nothing happened to us in the five days we were there and our show went well without major hiccups so, if there were spirits, they must be benevolent.
But I think Sean (designer) was a little disturbed when he heard that there was a moment when he walked right through the skirt of the woman spirit, who was just floating in mid air.
Bendini (The Fun Stage) exploded into dramatic hysteria. “Why must they float around and scare people?? Why can’t they just behave normally??!!?!?!?”
Timothy (publicist) burst out laughing at that, but that’s Timothy.
We learnt that ghosts look just like us except that they have a translucent quality and they pretty much just go about doing whatever it is they do.
“Well, what is it they do?” I asked.
No one could tell me.
“When they’re walking along Orchard Road, do they go shopping?” Bendini wanted to know.
“Of course not!” said Richard (Little Red Shop).
I think ghosts (if they really exist) are misunderstood. Maybe most of them are harmless (I’m not saying all are). It’s the media that makes them into horrible, scary beings that eat people or whatever.
But I wonder. Do they have a purpose when roaming the earth? They allegedly can’t interact with objects in our plane and I haven’t heard any reports of them having their own objects. So what do they do? Aren’t they bored being restricted to sitting, walking and floating, maybe for eternity?
I would be. No computer games, no DS Lite, no camwhoring, no blogging, no going to parties, no reading books, no acting in plays and accidentally sitting on ghosts.
What a horrible existence.