Ghost groups want fair fees for overnight hunts
GHOST hunters wishing to explore the unknown at Brean Fort say they are
getting a raw deal from the castle's owner, The National Trust.
The spooky activity is becoming more popular following the success of
television shows such as Most Haunted.
Now groups and societies wishing to follow in such footsteps fear that
owners of the allegedly haunted hangouts are taking advantage of the
newfound popularity.
Spokesman for the British Paranormal Association South West, Garry
Evans, said: "We looked at Brean Fort because we thought it would be a
good location for paranormal investigation.
"We applied to hire the venue overnight, but it took six months to hear
anything back, and when we did we were told that it would cost up to
Garry says that there was no way the group could afford to pay that
much, and feels investigators are being exploited.