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15 Oct 2007

Dr. Bruce Goldberg Reveals Electricity, and Possibly Television, Existed
in Ancient Egypt

Dr. Bruce Goldberg Reveals Electricity, and Possibly Television, Existed
in Ancient Egypt

Dr. Bruce Goldberg reveals a scene depicted in temple walls of Dendera
demonstrate that ancient Egypt discovered and used electricity. Room 17
shows a depiction of braided cables leading to a box engineers have
identified as a primitive Crookes tube.

WOODLAND HILLS, Calif./EWORLDWIRE/Oct. 8, 2007 --- The temple walls in
Denera, dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Hathor, contain engravings
that resemble electric lights and generators. Room 17 shows a depiction
of braided cables leading to a box that engineers have identified as a
primitive Crookes tube. The Crookes tube was the forerunner of the
modern television tube.

A van de Graaf generator is also portrayed in this scene. This can only
represent the generation of electricity. Egyptologists date this temple
art to between 300 B.C. and 30 B.C. Scientists have established these
depictons as representing a high-voltage insulator. "There is no other
logical reason why braided cables should be a part of ancient Egyptian
art," states Dr. Bruce Goldberg, author of Egypt: An Extraterrestrial
And Time Traveler Experiment.

The Dendera temple scene illustrates a scientific experiment testing
this primitive television apparatus. Two technicians are shown wearing
primitive headsets to receive instructions from ancient Egyptian
"producers." Dr. Goldberg recognizes the controversial nature of his
conclusions. "Critics will not accept my analysis unless a TV Guide in
hieroglyphics is found," he states.

"At the very least, this illustration represents an electrical generator
that explains how the ancient Egyptians built their pyramids without
using torches," says Dr. Goldberg. Scientists have never found evidence
of torches being used for illumination during the construction of any
Egyptian pyramid.

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