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28 Jun 2007

Will  £1m bet prove existence of after-life?

Will  £1m bet prove existence of after-life?

GLASTONBURY.  English businessman and psychical researcher Ross
Hemsworth says he is so confident that he will soon prove life after
death that he has placed a bet with bookmaker William Hill that could
net him £1 million.
But he has only until the end of this year to produce the evidence.

Meanwhile, cynics and sceptics are suggesting that the bet is just a
cheap way of getting publicity for 49-year-old Hemsworth's new
book, The Dead ARE Talking. He has had to hand over just £100 to
the bookmakers who have given him odds of 10,000 to one on an after-life
being proved.

Hemsworth is co-owner of Glastonbury Radio, which launched earlier this
year, and one of its presenters, as well as being lecturing on the
paranormal. Glastonbury, in England's West Country, has inspired
many myths and legends involving King Arthur, Joseph of Arimathea and
the Holy Grail.

A good base, perhaps, for someone interested in the paranormal, but
where does he expect to get his evidence for life after death from?
Right now, he's not saying, apart from telling one newspaper
that "a team of scientists and doctors are working around the
clock to prove existence of the afterlife". He added:
"With the evidence we have got we are not a million miles away
from proving it. The whole point of the project is to prove that there
is something there."
He added that voice communication, video and photography would be among
the evidence he would produce.
There are doctors and scientists exploring different aspects of
consciousness and its possible survival after death, but
www.ParanormalReview.com knows of none who is expecting to produce proof
within the time limitations of Hemsworth's bet.

He claims to have been a sceptic who has been convinced by the
paranormal evidence he has encountered. Hemsworth is also co-founder of
The Phantom or Fraud Project which was described on the US radio show
Coast To Coast as having grown "to be one of the world's
leading paranormal investigation groups" when he was interviewed
four years ago about "his recent investigations into parallel
dimensions, ghosts and portals, as well as an alleged portal in New
Jersey where they were able to photograph an entity."

This is almost certainly a reference to a visit paid to Brian Williams
(whose  "space name" is Sargel18) in New Jersey. Williams
(right) claims to be of alien parentage and to be in contact with UFO
occupants who give him predictions about major events that are about to
happen. All this "and photographic evidence" is said to
occur through a vortex between this dimension and another.

The Phantom or Fraud Project " which was apparenetly associated
with a UK TV programme, Ghost Detectives" appears to have
diminished as rapidly as it is claimed to have grown: its website is now
just a vehicle for advertising.

Perhaps Hemsworth book will tell a different story. As well as his
paranormal research, incidentally, it will also cover an affair, a
divorce, going bankrupt and contemplating suicide.

Somehow, we don't think William Hill will be paying out £1
million to Hemsworth in the near future.

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