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26 Jun 2007


Posted by anthonynorth on June 24th, 2007

We all know about it, whether it exists or not. We know of ghosts and
reincarnated entities, and we all have some knowledge of the idea that
we might experience afterlife upon death.
Philosophers and priests have thought about it for as long as thinking
man has existed. Alternatively, scientists have tried their best to
sweep it under a thread-bare carpet. So what is the reality of

The first thing to realize about afterlife is that it has been quite
useful in the life we class as living. Medieval Christendom split
Afterlife into Heaven and Hell, and applied transgressing The Ten
Commandments to eternal redemption.
This was a means of social and moral control, using superstition to
scare people into obedience. A similar concept exists in the east, where
karma is a moral imperative towards good so as not to be reincarnated in
a lower status next time.

Christianity went so far as to debar mere mortals from experiencing
evidence of afterlife in life. To do so was to be Christ-like, and only
Jesus was such. Hence, those who claimed communion with entities in life
were classed as "evil", dealing with the Devil. In this
way, Christianity attempted to banish paganism and the occult.

In the above, we can see that Afterlife is a useful system of control,
guaranteeing its survival as a concept within religious society. But
today, science and individuality has banished the idea and classed it as
Individuality has to ignore Afterlife, for it implies something above
the individual. But individuals continue to form societies and cultures.
Our place in a society is defined by cultural interpretation. Hence,
there is something above the individual.
In light of this, could we argue that culture, or even our species,
could be a continuing communal entity in its own right? If we are
prepared to accept such a thing and history itself shows a form
of continuance above the individual  then we begin the
philosophical step towards the idea of continuance after life.

We do actually know that much of us does survive
death. For instance, there are memories of us in other people's
minds. If naturally buried, our organic body decays and released
nutrients for renewal of nature.
If we go even deeper into the construction of life we are fundamentally
an electrical vibration of the subatomic field, an astral body,
as it were. Here, the particles that make up the vibration are
identical to similar particles throughout the universe. And guess what
they survive our death.

There are ideas in fringe physics that this field forms an
"information universe". In other words, the information
available to the universe is within its construction, which would
logically include its history. Does this constitute a form of survival?

One of the great metaphysical debates revolves around the location of
consciousness. It is said to reside in the brain, but if information is
in the subatomic field, could what we class as the mind be simply an
individual segment of this universal consciousness?
A materialist would class this as ridiculous. We can track certain brain
functions, and are aware of their existence in the brain. To which I
would ask: could the brain be simply analogous to a computer? If so, we
haven't yet found the software.
Many believe the Near Death Experience shows evidence of our personal
consciousness going to the "universal" in this case, down a dark
tunnel where a light is met, and a decision taken whether you shall live
or die.

Im not sure whether this is evidence of survival, but certainly a
strange phenomenon occurs within the experience. Indeed, research has
shown that even a deep faint can include imagery of what is culturally
accepted as Afterlife.
This is particularly interesting as early tribal ritual revolved around
hysterical ceremony, leading to the deep faint of a shaman-like
individual. In the faint he is said to visit the Afterlife and return
with knowledge thereof.
The shaman can be seen to have believed the faint involved a
death, followed by rebirth upon awakening. This
process actually formed the central proof of Afterlife within mythology.
Yet realistically we can argue this is a symbolic, psychologically
induced Afterlife rather than the real thing.

In the above we can see the possibility of a "symbolic"
Afterlife, sculpted by impressions of a particular culture, which we
went on to believe was "real". But nonetheless, it could
have formed the basic proofs that led to religion and spirituality.
Other "proofs" of Afterlife are said to include
sightings of ghosts, mediumistic talents and evidence of reincarnation.
However, again, we can argue that all this evidence can be found in the
known psychological anomalies of the human mind.
Indeed cryptomnesia (the ability to remember obscure facts), multiple
personality, hallucination and other mechanisms can adequately explain
evidence of such survival. For further information on these mechanisms,
posts can be found by clicking Paranormal UFO Occult at the bottom of
this post.

This said, there are problems with our understanding of life and the
universe that are not adequately addressed by science. For instance, it
is known that the body exists as a co-ordinated lifeform, but it also
exists as a congregation of cells, etc; and at its fundamental level, as
an electrical vibration, as already mentioned.
Science accepts this, but is hazy when it comes to the relationship
between each of these levels. But surely, if one leads to another, then
interaction between the three levels must take place.
This logical assumption tells us that, if the information universe is a
reality, then somehow it must connect to the conscious life form;
i.e. us. Hence, if consciousness is in the information universe, we must
ask: does it die upon death of the body? Or does it continue as some
form of existence?

We are not at the stage of knowledge where we can answer. This is mainly
because we are not asking the right questions, which should be: Do we
live in an information universe or not? Is our "electrical
vibration" related to us or not?
A negative answer to either of these questions leaves us disconnected
from the rest of existence, which is ridiculous. A positive answer
leaves room for the tantalizing existence of an Afterlife of some kind.

And seeing that it would imply a connection between us and the universe,
then knowledge of this survival would be in the information universe. So
therefore, somewhere, we would be aware of this.
So who knows, maybe SOME of those ghosts, communications and possessions
are from somewhere else after all. Once we have discounted the
fraudulent, spurious and delusional, of course.

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