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14 May 2007

Cape Cod Mystery

May 2007 - Page 11
Cape Cod Mystery
by Robert Odenthal

It was in the middle of March when my spouse and I went to visit Cape
Cod, Massachusetts (Provincetown is where we were staying). We left from
Teaneck, New Jersey around nine in the morning and got to Cape Cod
around three in the afternoon with intentions of staying there for three
days. When we got to Cape Cod, we first went to the inn we were staying
at, unpacked and checked in there. It was around 5:30 in the evening
when I went out to take pictures of the surrounding beautiful scenery. I
stepped out of the inn and it seemed like a calm day around 60 degrees
with a light wind and slightly cloudy.

Then I started to proceed towards St. Peters Cemetery. Now I have never
been to Cape Cod before and somehow I felt like I knew the place like I
lived there my whole life; it was quite eerie, actually. St. Peters
Cemetery was a couple of blocks away and I had no directions at all, yet
I got there by myself like I already knew how to direct myself there. It
was sort of like a force pulling me there.

I got to the cemetery and all of a sudden the temperature dropped a good
10 degrees and it got REALLY windy, and when I say windy I mean WINDY,
like 40 mph winds. I thought to myself, "That's really strange. It went
from a light breeze to heavy winds that quick?" I shrugged it off and
continued to proceed to the church near the cemetery. I was walking down
a quiet block with these old houses, taking pictures and I had this
feeling like I was being watched from all directions, like I was being
watched from people in the windows of the houses, from behind me, even
from above, and this force felt incredibly strong. I figured I was
really tired and it was cold out and I should head back to the inn.

I got back to my room around almost 8 and decided to relax on the bed
with my spouse and watch TV for a little. I still had the eerie feeling
someone was watching me. I tried to take my mind off of it, but I
couldn't, so I decided to sleep it off. I awoke around 12 at night with
my spouse asleep next to me. I had the feeling like someone was watching
me still, so I went to the window to look (now our window in the inn was
facing directly the harbor we were only about 300 ft. from the water).

What I saw next I couldn't believe my eyes. I was staring out toward the
ocean and the ocean looked BLACK, like not just how the ocean looks at
night, but the water was black as the night sky. I peered out and saw a
woman in a white gown with a vail over her face floating above the
water. That's when I realized it wasn't a human being. This woman was
about 30 ft. out in the ocean where the water is certainly over 12 ft.
deep. She started to make a gesture with her hand like, "Come with me,"
and all of a sudden a force crept on me that was indescribable. It felt
like i was being pulled out to the ocean by this being.

I was a quite in a shock by this, so I closed the blinds, decided to sit
down in the recliner and relax. I did so and this force would not go
away. I felt like I had to get up and go out there to talk to this
being. I actually had to hold myself down in the recliner to not do so.
The words "go to her" or "come with me" kept repeating in my brain, and
I kept telling it "no, no, no." It was a good 20 minutes and this force
was still with me. I decided to check if this "being" was still out
there, so I peered through the blinds and there she still was floating
out in the water, gesturing me to come with her.

At this point I was in such shock I was in a cold sweat. My whole body
was shaking and I could barely move. I finally woke up my spouse to tell
her what I was seeing. She didn't believe me and rolled back to sleep. I
told her to come look out the window to see if she could see what I was
seeing. She did so and said she didn't see anything and that I was
crazy. So she went back to bed.

Another 30 minutes went by with me trying to keep myself put in the
chair, and all of a sudden the force was gone. I felt normal again. I
looked out the window and the woman was gone. The rest of the night I
could not go to sleep, so I stayed awake till five in the morning and
told my spouse we had to leave. She saw I was shaken by this event, so
she agreed to leave. We packed and left. That was the first and last
time I went to Cape Cod. I always wonder who the lady in the water was
and what she wanted from me. What would have happened if I went out to
the water, but to this day it still gives me the chills.

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