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12 Mar 2007

The Out-Of-Body Experiences How to Travel Without Luggage

The Out-Of-Body Experiences How to Travel Without Luggage
By Rev_Maria

An out-of-body experience is where you have experiences in which your
soul leaves the physical body. Your soul being within your astral body
form can travel anywhere. This experience is also known as astral
projection; soul flight; exteriorization; OBE, and astral travel.

This is a part of human experiences through all cultures and history.
The out-of-body experience has been recorded for all to understand and
work with if one chooses to do so. These occurrences have been reported
in varied situations; housewives, doctors, Egyptian scrolls, Africa,
China, Europe, to name a few.

This experience is not influenced by religious belief as observed by the
different cultural backgrounds of the people involved. Out-of
-body travel can be spontaneous or preplanned, conscious or
subconscious. There are some basic ways to spot an out-of-body

First >Your astral body is fully aware on all your sensory levels. You
can perceive the environment you re in and fully remember upon going
back to your physical body. There isn't any doubt about having the
experience. You can remember details and check on them if they are in
your time period or in the past.

Second >At the same time the physical body looks as though asleep or in
the death state, your real self is not within the physical
shell at the time.

Third >The two bodies are connected by what is termed as the
silver cord. The silver cord is an ethereal cord or cable
of energy which has elastic properties, thus enabling you to travel
unlimited distances. This cord may be able to be perceived by psychics.

Fourth >During out-of-body travel the astral body can go anywhere on
this planet or on foreign planes to any location.

Fifth >Also, it is not limited to time.

Sixth >The amount of time you are out-of-body can be either
pre-programmed or automatic. You would feel more refreshed upon coming
back to your awakened state. This experience has a long-term effect on
the individual. The reason being that once you have experienced this
state, you will no longer have any doubts about the death experience as
being final.
You will be aware that your physical body is not everything, thus, there
are other states/planes available to your soul. You will be aware that
your physical body is not as limited as you imagined. You know there is
an immortal soul that is you.

Everyone has heard of out-of-body experiences in those who are very ill
or in an accident. We do not always hear of those who did not have the
experience due to something traumatic. Psychically at times, the astral
body can be perceived, so if you are out-of-body at a destination where
there is a person sensitive to you on this level, you will most likely
be aware of being recognized. Sometimes the information you bring back
can be from the future, in which case you may have a better way of
dealing with the situation when it occurs or can prevent it if, for
example, if it is an accident.

You need to remember that if you choose to consciously astral travel, to
utilize a psychic self-defense method. This is to make sure everything
will stay on a positive and safe level. (You can utilize mine or someone
else method.)
Out-of-body experiences have been part of our heritage as men and women.
We need only to be aware of it and consciously utilize this ability for
positive purposes if choosing to develop it.
Always remember you are one with Divine Power.

May God Bless You Abundantly!

About the Author
Rev. Maria Solomon, MsD, D.D., DRH, born in Budapest, Hungary is a
professional Psychic/Metaphysician since the early 1960s. As a speaker,
she has conducted numerous lectures and seminars for over twenty years.

Currently Rev. Maria Solomon lives on Long Island, New York. For further
information see website www.mariasolomon.com

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