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1 Feb 2007

Jamie Shandera And Proof Of UFOs (Pt. 1)

JAN 31 2007
Jamie Shandera And Proof Of UFOs (Pt. 1)
Shandera on "UFO Coverup Live!" - October 14, 1988

In December of 1984, Jamie Shandera, (pronounced JAY-mee SHAN-dehr-ay) a
Los Angeles television producer, received a manila package on his
doorstep. He and writer/researcher Bill Moore had been looking into
government knowledge of UFOs. Moore had made a deal with elements of
U.S. intelligence community that was supposed to net him classified
documents and information in exchange for his services as a "mole" in
the UFO community. The package was not delivered with the regular mail,
even though it bore a postmark from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Shandera
had already retrieved his other mail when he heard his screen door
closing and found a bulky envelope in the space between the screen and
front door.

He called Moore and they opened the package together. In the envelope
were two more envelopes. The last one contained a roll of black and
white 35mm film. They went straight to Moore's darkroom to develop the
roll. What they found was a series of pictures of an official-looking
report which came to be known as the Eisenhower Briefing Document. The
rest is history.

Throughout 1999, I talked with Shandera almost monthly by phone, even
though we both lived in the Los Angeles area at the time. Before the end
of our conversations, Shandera said that he knew that aliens were here,
the government knew about it, and had been involved in some sort of
interaction with them for some time. Stunned by this, I asked him how he
knew this to be true.

"I was shown something" he said.
He said that he could not tell me what it was, but that if I guessed
right, he could affirm the fact. I wracked my brain, and those of my
friends to figure this out. It was not a document, a picture, a film or
video, a UFO in a hangar, or even a dead alien (all of which could be
faked) and no, he hadn't shaken hands with one.

He agreed to an interview for my magazine before he went off to the east
coast for a trip. That was in December of 1999. I never heard from him
again, and his phone number was reassigned very quickly. When I called
again in January, a woman's voice on an answering machine mispronounced
his name and said that she didn't know who he was, or where he had gone.

Next: What did Shandera see, and where did he see it? Also, was he just
a TV producer, or was there another side to his background?

8 Comments To "Jamie Shandera And Proof Of UFOs (Pt. 1)"

mister ecks Says:
January 31st, 2007 at 3:58 pm
he saw a live alien, who promptly gave him the backrub of his life!

mister ecks Says:
January 31st, 2007 at 4:02 pm

Greg Bishop Says:
January 31st, 2007 at 4:24 pm
Nope. What actually happened (if true) is even stranger than a joke!
I'll post part 2 tomorrow.
Stay tuned,

DingoDog99 Says:
January 31st, 2007 at 8:03 pm
I was shown "something" too, and I asked them to put that thing away. .
in all seriousness I am very much looking forward to the next
installation. Way to build the suspense Mr. Bishop!

rodrum Says:
January 31st, 2007 at 9:52 pm
dang it Greg!
I can't take the suspense!
I'll be tuning in tomorrow for sure.

alanborky Says:
January 31st, 2007 at 10:14 pm
'I was shown something? he said?and no, he hadnt shaken hands with
Greg, You add that last bit on almost as if it's a clue: did he shake
tentacles with them?
You've suddenly got my mind reeling in horror here, as I try not to
picture parts of the body that shake, or can be made to shake, two of
which spring to mind sounding not too dissimilar to 'tentacles'.
I mean, is there anything anyone could show someone that'd convince them
beyond the point of trying to find a more 'rational' explanation, no
matter how ridiculous that explanation might actually be?
I mean, I've seen a few weird things in my time - and that was just you
and Nick!

Greg Bishop Says:
January 31st, 2007 at 10:41 pm
alanborky et. al.,
Like I said, if true, it was pretty damned weird. Like any discovery, it
produces more questions than it answers! I didn't see it, and there's no
way any of us here could, without the proper clearances.

Nick Redfern Says:
February 1st, 2007 at 7:39 am
Did you read the article that appeared by Bill Birnes in the October
2006 issue of "UFO Magazine" that was titled "Connecting the
It makes interesting observations about Shandera.
According to Birnes: "?one late afternoon at my Hollywood office
during a meeting concerning the work of Uri Geller, Mossad, the CIA, and
other agencies dabbling in paranormal research, Jaime Shandera blurted
out: 'You're going to be the one to disclose the UFO secret.'"
Birnes continued: "I looked up, profoundly distressed by the news. 'It's
true,' Jaime said. 'The extraterrestrials have said that you will be the
one to disclose the truth.'
'Yes, Jaime's female friend said. 'It's true.' Then she looked around
the room. 'And they're telling me this right now.'"
Of course, Birnes would later become co-author with Colonel Philip Corso
of "The Day After Roswell" - which, for believers of Corso, at least,
could be considered that "truth" having finally been disclosed.
Birnes continues in his "UFO Mag" article: "Our book 'The Day After
Roswell' had just been published. We were actually releasing it at the
Roswell Fiftieth Anniversary amidst the rounds of publicity and parties
and celebrations. And who do I see walking along amidst the crowds? It
was my old friend Jaime Shandera and his female friend. They walked by
me. Stared at me. Saw Corso in the background answering questions from
some of the guests at a reception. And I said to them, 'You were right.
This is the disclosure.' Not a word as they disappeared into the crowd."

Definitely a weird addition to the story!

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