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2 Jan 2007


Traveling faster than light in fifth dimension using gravity wave
India Daily Technology Team  

  Scientists are amazed at what they see in computer simulation of
gravity waves and superimposing the same on some of the extraterrestrial
UFO propagation and navigation paths.

Gravity waves are real. They are very faint in our 3-D spatial world.
But when computer simulates the fifth dimension of the Hyperspace, the
gravity waves becomes dominant and electromagnetic waves become faint.

Recently, as an extension of the string theory and simulating some
aspects of it in numerical computer simulated methods, scientists find
that the gravity wave can be used for propagation, navigation and
stealth in higher dimensions.

They realize that is exactly what the extraterrestrials are using to
move very fast through the Hyperspace to our Universe. After that they
change the whole mechanism to electromagnetic because our 2-D spatial
world is based on electromagnetic waves ? not gravity waves.

Gravity waves allow propagation in fifth dimension. Because it is so
easy to bend space and time in higher dimensions, the effective speed
can be thousand times faster than that of light. Simply put, in the
fifth dimension, our conventional physics ends.

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