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14 Nov 2006

What's The True Meaning Behind 'Spirit Numbers?'
Nov 11, 2006 11:32 pm US/Eastern
Beatriz Canals

(CBS4) MIAMI Notice the date, November 11th, eleven - eleven. For many
people a day with this date has a very special or mystical meaning not
only in this world but beyond. A phenomenon believers call spirit

For example, when a clock flashes eleven-eleven just when checked, is
that strange? A bit odd? or Maybe just a coincidence? Some say it's not
at all.
It may sound odd to some but not to Brenda Rosario, owner of the ninth
chakra on Lincoln road a store dedicated to spirituality.
She says those wake up calls are come from beings on a different plane,
Spirit Guides, better known as angels.

Rosario says, "11-11 means a wake up call. Whenever you see 11-11 on a
clock, or in a store receipt, or anything, it means you're being called
to see what your purpose is on this earth. "
They're telling you 'what are you doing? Are you on the right path? Are
you listening to yourself? Are you being honest and true to your own

Psychics believe the number eleven is symbolic and meaningful.
According to Eric, another psychic CBS4 spoke to, "In the chakra or in
the energy talking about energies, number eleven would be an initiation
and opening up. It's a protection number within yourself even actually
because eleven is an initiation with in your spirit."

Believers the world is in the middle of an important time, a portal of
consciousness that started at the pyramids of Giza in Egypt on January
11, 1992. It's said to last until November 11, 2011;

Followers say the number 11 is special because it's the original number
of spirit guides, 1,111. That's why, according to spiritual masters,
angels make their presence known with the numbers 11-11 that appear out
of the blue.
Rosario told CBS4's Beatriz Canals, "basically, it's all about
synchronicity. What's happening, 11 is a master number. Remember, 11-11
is duality into one-ness. So anything having to do with the number 11 is
going to teach us a lesson to be able to be highly conscious. So it's no
coincidence, everything is synchronized."
Whether or not people believe it carries any meaning, many say if it
brings about positive thoughts or feelings it can allegedly make the
world a better place.

"So next time you see 11-1 Rosario tells CBS4, in a clock, in a store
receipt, or in anything, just be reminded that there's something very
special that you need to do on this earth and that maybe you are on the
right path, but maybe there's something else that you need to do."

Eric says, "just listen to yourself. Even if you do not believe in
anything you have feelings. And that is what psychisism is all about.
You feel things you see things you know that deep inside you there is
something more."

There are close to 500,000 people around the world who follow this. So
next time the number "11-11" pops up, maybe people will think twice
about its meaning.

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