14 Nov 2006
David McMillian: Ouija boards can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies
Dear David: I've recently become interested in Ouija boards. Is there anything to worry about? -- Ouija Wondering Dear OW: It really depends on whom you talk to and how you're using them. Clearly, from a spiritual and religious nature, some people view Ouija boards as "evil." There have been several movies and TV shows produced around that theme. There also are people who consider them to be a harmless game, so you may first wish to spend some time and energy considering your own beliefs about evil and dark forces in the world. You might consider talking with your minister or priest if you're part of an organized religion to get their spiritual advice and view on the subject.
Having said that, consider how Ouija boards work. Vibrations from the finger tips move the pointer about the board, spelling out answers to different questions. So what the Ouija board can become is a key that may unlock contents of the unconscious mind. This is always an undertaking to be taken with great care since the contents of the unconscious mind can be unpredictable and easily misunderstood. Further, I would caution you to be aware Ouija boards can set up what are known as "self-fulfilling prophecies." Let's suppose you ask the Ouija board whom you will date and then you spell out "Paula" or "Tim" for reasons your unconscious may understand. Then you might be on the alert for people with this name coming into your life, maybe missing out on other opportunities. In any case, along comes a Paula or a Tim and you jump at the opportunity to go out with them, something you might not have considered were it not for the Ouija board. The reason you go out with them is not because the Ouija board predicted it, but instead because you were expecting it to happen, and so you created that very thing in your life.