6 Nov 2006
Are Homes Haunted When There Is No One To Haunt? by Dwayne Claud
It's the age-old question, if a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it fall, does it make a sound?? The quandary has a multitude of approaches and arguments coming from both sides to make it compelling. Recently a question was posed to me, if there is no one to witness a haunting in a home will spirits still haunt it? I'd like to present some food for thought on intelligent hauntings.
It's a common belief that humans have a certain amount of pure energy within their bodies. An electrical force that can scientifically be measured, and depending upon the person, it will resonate at around 60 Hz. Some years ago there was a scientific research experiment that was conducted with the expressed permission of terminally ill patients whose goal was to measure if there was a difference in mass between the moments of life and at death.
These patients were placed on a scale-like apparatus and it was proven consistently time after time that when the patient dies there was an immediate loss of 23 ounces. This is the suspected weight of the human spirit or soul as stated by these scientists. It only makes sense because one of the most basic laws of psychics is that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another. In this case, the soul energy leaves the body and is transformed into spirit energy.
Investigations within homes of suspected haunted activity usually will present several different forms of evidence to investigators. The evidence we will focus on for purposes of this article are those related to energy. Although the exact relationship between EMF readings and paranormal activity is unknown, it has been shown consistently that in homes with paranormal activity, fluctuations in the electromagnetic field can be recorded on AC, DC, and magnetic spectrums. This demonstrates that what is there draws upon environmental energy. It would only make sense that these unseen forces need more energy then what they currently have to communicate on our plane of existence whether it's through manifestation or audio; Otherwise, they would most likely choose to be visible and interact with us more than what they do.
As these entities choose to make contact, they begin to pull energy from whatever means that they can. Cold spots are formed as kinetic energy is sucked from the environment, batteries die as direct current is pulled from the batteries, lights flicker or dim as AC power is pulled, and sometimes people involved will begin to feel light headed, nauseous, and/or weak as energy is pulled from them. It is only after these forces draw the energy that they need that we as investigators are able to take photographs, record electronic voice phenomenon, shoot video, etc. Many experiments in the field have coordinated such energy fluctuations with capture of unexplained phenomenon.
Based on the assumption that these unexplained forces require energy to manifest themselves, in most cases hauntings of empty houses, locations, or cemeteries should not occur since there are no forms of energy to draw from. In an old abandoned home for instance, the only energy that could be drawn from would be the kinetic energy within the house. As we've seen in the field, much more energy is required for manifestation than that. Cases have been documented where additional kinetic energy is drawn from underground streams and railroad tracks. Interestingly, the most paranormally active cemeteries are the ones that have underground water flow beneath them. Looking at an intelligent haunting from an aspect of consciousness, why would a spirit choose to manifest itself in a home where no one exists or lives? Would you?
There are many different theories and opinions on the subject of whether houses are haunted or not when people are not present. This would explain the small amount of evidence actually captured by unmanned cameras and microphones. But would not home owners return after a night out to find objects thrown about the home and objects broken. It may even be our own perception causing the spirits to appear. No matter the outlook, I think the question still remains.