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21 Oct 2006

Whistleblower dies in suspicious circumstances on stage at UFO
James Casbolt

On Saturday October 7th I attended a UFO conference in Blackpool called
'Probe international'. I planned to meet former US government official
Dean Warwick who was the last speaker of the afternoon and try to
convince him to blow the whistle about his experiences and knowledge
regarding the NSA, missing children and Extra-terrestrials.
At this time Dean had already gone public and completed an interview a
couple of weeks earlier with my friend, investigative journalist Dave
Starbuck. The fact of the matter was that Dean had only talked about a
fraction of what he really knew. Therefore it was my intention to appeal
to him and try to convince him to fully blow the whistle.

When Dean was only minutes into his talk on stage he collapsed
unconscious on the floor. The crowd was stunned and mass confusion
ensued. He had stopped breathing and an ambulance was called but Dean
had died on stage.

When Dean collapsed on the floor a woman witnessed a man with dark hair
slip out of the hall. She followed this man who then proceeded to walk
down the stairs whistling merrily to himself, get into a car and make a
phone call. He was then seen laughing down the phone to whoever he was
speaking to. Who walks out of a hall whistling happily to themselves and
then starts laughing down the phone after a man has just collapsed and
stopped breathing on stage?

All of these events point to the fact that this was an Intelligence
agency 'hit' using an E.L.F (Extremely low frequency) weapon. These
E.L.F weapons can be set on a 'Delta wave' and are able to shut a
person's nervous system down.

Much of this technology has been perfected on the 4th level of the CIA
underground Dulce facility in the New Mexico desert. The fourth level of
this underground base deals with technological aspects of Human aura
research, dream manipulation, hypnosis, telepathy and advanced mind
control. The E.L.F weapons 'suck' the life out the victim's body and
Dean literally 'fell asleep' on his feet.

I was in tears and I walked past my friend Ellis who stared me right in
the eyes with a look that said "We both know exactly what happened
then". Dean Warwick was a very brave man who died fighting for our
freedom. Those responsible will be held fully accountable when the time
comes. That time is coming soon. The same holds true for the '5th
column' agents who were trying to convince the people at Probe they were
one of us. You know who you are and so do I.

The following are excerpts from the interview Dean Warwick completed
with Dave Starbuck a couple of weeks before his death. This regards
missing children, military/Extra-terrestrial involvement and the planned
American holocaust.

Dean Warwick- "I want to come to something which has perturbed me for
some time and that's to do with the killing of the children. A release
from the department of statistics of the United states government said
that every year 150,000 children will in the United states, never be
heard of again.

Three months later I got a similar report, which said that in central
and southern America there will be 350,000. I did mathematics, I
specialised in pure and advanced maths in university. That's not a
coincidence. We've got 0.5% of the population in North America, 0.5% in
central and southern America, that can't be a coincidence"

Dave Starbuck- "No not at all"

Dean Warwick- "So one day I've got a suit that
walks into my showroom and we get talking and he says that he's got a
meeting at the DSS offices. I say 'You'd be interested in this and I
tell him that I've got these reports and what the figures showed. I say
we don't have anything that like that in the UK. He says 'Oh yes we do'.
He says ' I will tell you who I am, I've been with this department for
30 years I'm now the head of it'. He says ' There's 20 to 25,000
children a year in the UK'. Sometime later I was watching television, it
was the middle of the day and I see it as a news item and the lady comes
on who's a part of a group in London, I think there name was 'The
mothers of the disappeared'.

She says that each year in the UK 120,000 children between the age of 10
and 23 will leave home and 80% will be found again. In other words 20%
will be missing. Well 20% of a 120,000 makes 20,000 and confirms the
figure this man had told me. So what's happening to these kids? I'm
talking to a chief of police and he says 'Your right about these kids,
Dean! He says 'One year we recorded 40 (thousand) something had gone
missing. He said 'The government came back at us and said, no you've got
it wrong it's 60 (thousand) something this year. I have it from a police
officer involved direct from Dorset police. Every week they find 7 to 8
children in the New forest that have been slit around there necks, down
there shoulders, their skin has been peeled off their backs and there
flesh has been eaten into whilst they are alive. Now I think this has to
do with what my grandfather warned me I would learn about later on
(Earlier in the interview Dean had said his grandfather had warned him
that when Dean was older he would come across a secret and it would
destroy him) and it brings me to the Jessica and Holly event. Anybody
who believes that Ian Huntley had anything to do with the killing of
those kids wants their head examined"

Dave Starbuck- "Four years ago I did a presentation 'Who really murdered
Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman' and the response I had was so
tremendous, which included two solicitors and a Barrister"

Dean Warwick- "What we have is Ian Huntley was there because, found in
the tucks of his trousers were seeds from plants that were in this
forest. He could have got them from anywhere, they could have been
planted. This man is so dumb that he takes these bodies to this place,
he strips them of their clothes and pours petrol on them to burn them.
Well anybody who's got half a brain knows that you would leave the
clothes on to soak up the petrol and make the fire burn more. He takes
the clothes back to the school, he gets out a bin from underneath the
stage, puts the clothes in the bin and sprinkles petrol on them and sets
them alight waits until there burned so far and puts the fire out with a
hose. This is nonsense!

We have the case of the lady who has tried to get a newspaper or to get
any form of media to print her story. Whether it's true or not I don't
know. The line is that she walked her dog in that forest everyday for 2
weeks before Jessica and Holly were discovered. She said military police
were blocking the road"

Dave Starbuck- "That's correct, yes I heard that from another source as
Dean Warwick- "And then we have the case of the runner who was
interviewed outside the court whilst the case was proceeding against
Huntley and he said for 3 nights he had been running and ran past those
woods and he had heard girls screaming in those woods. Now my
information of what happened to Jessica and Holly is as follows and it
comes from high-ranking American military intelligence whom as far as I
am concerned I believe. They are within government, they are deep within
government, who they are what they is another story. Those girls bodies
where treated with a set of talons and they were raped. Now whether this
was part of a cult or it is a part of a transmutation of a presence is
open to argument. I personally think that David Icke has got a point but
he actually misses the point slightly and some of what we have got to do
with reptilians and other entities is somewhere there but we're not
getting to it. But when we bring this back to the event of 7 to 8
(bodies) being found in the New forest and Dorset and this police
officer tells that one of his associates is one who has to inspect the
bodies, each time he is nearly suicidal with what he is finding"

Dave Starbuck- "I can believe that"

Dean Warwick- "It brings me back to a piece which occurs many, many
times in the bible, 'And they ate the flesh of the children in those
days' and there is a reason for that. I am fortunate in that I have a
series of products which I do and I get into the homes of a lot of
people. One client for example is fairly high up in British government
scientific research. Now it is that in the biblical record and much of
what Zacharia Sitchen has written of, he tells the story of how 'Those
who from Heaven to Earth came' the Nephilem or the Annunaki which are
refereed to in some parts of the Bible. They ate the menstrual fluid of
there woman because from that they could derive the ability to read the
mind of the person confronting them, they could communicate without
speech and I will go along with and I want to explain later a little bit
of what I did at university in New Zealand.

When there comes the time for these people to leave and there are those
who have come down to Earth and entered unto man's woman and woman have
begat giants and they have died in the process of giving birth, these
people were left with a problem. That was where did they get the
ingredient to give them the ability their woman had got. They had no
ability to derive from Man's women the ingredients by consuming the
menstrual fluid of Man's woman but they discovered that a terrorised
human child whose flesh was eaten and this I have from this prominent
scientific base and I won't say where in the United Kingdom that "Yes,
that is the answer to it Dean". If that flesh is consumed it is flushed
with the serotonin and adrenaline and it gives similar ingredients to
allow them the ability they had of reading the mind and communication
without speech.

There are so many references to it in the Bible and the references
should taken absolutely as written. It doesn't say they ate from the
bones of children, it doesn't say they ate the skin of the children, it
says 'And they ate the flesh' and that means they had been skinned. It's
like the reference in the Bible, which is that supposedly Kain slew his
brother Able. That's not true, it does not say that. It says Cain ate
Abel and as a result he was banished. Now I can't think of anything
worse than a child being terrorised to the extent that they would be and
then consumed as I have confirmed by police forces who actually do the
investigating. This may have something to do with what my grandfather
told me when I was a child, that which I would learn later on in life
and certainly I can't think of anything worse than the experience a
child would feel and think of when being subjected to this.

Similar to this I public recently in documents that I have put out
through Nexus that we have the inventing the guillotines appearing which
is quoted in revelations 24. Thousands of them being brought into
American military bases. What for? A senator stating this is a wonderful
way to execute the death penalty, excuse the pun. But they don't kill a
hundred people a year in America so what do they need thousands of
guillotines for? The congresswoman for San Diego whose publicly stated
she has been to Japan and watched in the factory in Japan where they
have been making these things"

Dave Starbuck- "Yes I have heard a report of this from elsewhere"

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