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27 Sep 2006

(Original headline: Paranormal phenomena on the side of Volga between
UFO, visions and mirages )
translation by farshores

Mirages of churches and castles, enormous columns of light projected at
night towards the sky and apparitions of UFOs, appear south of the City
of Togliatti Volga making a curve nearly 360 degrees around the hills of
Zhigulì ¬ creating an area where for a long time people there have
often seen the strangest and up to now inexplicable of things.
A castle up on a hill is one of the more recurrent visions: "To me",
says a fisherma, "it appeares on the other side of Volga [river]. I have
been able to pbserveof all the details, the leaks on even the walls of
stone ".

Another inhabitant of Samarskaia Luka claims the shape of this
mysterious zone is in the form of an enormous oval.
Many others have also witnessed a huge palace-like structure that was
similar to an orthodox cathedral orthodox, with red and gold cupolas.
All comment in the same way, "We do not have fear, indeed we are
fascinated by these visions".
Architectural mirages of churches, castles and monasteries that stand
out to the horizon with the three-dimensional clearness of a hologramare
are common sites and the scientists.

Some experts assume the existence of "a natural air disc of
verosimile[?] light" that would project "existing things elsewhere" but
up to now no convincing theory has been formulated.
Only the most ardent afficionado of the paranormal consider the
possibility that for some reason space-time makes exception in that zone
bathed from Volga and offers therefore enigmatic glimpses "of that what
has been or of that what will be" in this area.

No credible explanation has been offered either for another
extraordinary phenomenon: at night enormously bright light appears in a
nearby forest several kilometers away.

Some speak about a possible "ionization of the air" as a result of an
opening of fissures rich in uranium, while in a book published in 1870
on local folklore described jets of light appearing from the forest
whenever "the landlady of the mountain leaves the door open".

.:Story originally published by:.
Il Giornale London / Italy -

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