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5 Aug 2006

The Devil's Disciple & The Spirit Of Marilyn Monroe
Did the Devil's Disciple Successfully Summon the Spirit of
Marilyn Monroe on the Eleventh Anniversary of Her Death?
By Brad and Sherry Steiger

Robert F. Slatzer, who claimed a long-term friendship and a brief
marriage to Marilyn Monroe, the Hollywood Love Goddess of the 1950s,
told us that on the night of August 4, 1973 he had participated in a
ritual that had actually caused Marilyn's spirit form to materialize.
Slatzer, a correspondent for an eastern newspaper, had arrived in
Hollywood in the late 1940s. He met Norma Jeane Baker, a young model, in
the summer of 1946 while he was doing interviews with movie celebrities.
He had noticed Norma Jeane making the rounds of the studios, and one day
as they were each waiting to see prospective clients in the lobby of
Twentieth Century-Fox Studios, they struck up a conversation and made a
date for later that evening. Thus began a long relationship that led to
what Slatzer claimed was a marriage to Norma Jeane in Mexico in 1952.
Norma Jeane landed only minor appearances in a couple of films in 1947,
but by the time audiences began to notice the actress in two popular
1950 films, All About Eve and The Asphalt Jungle, Fox had decided to
rename her Marilyn Monroe.
According to Slatzer, when Darryl F. Zanuck, the czar of Fox, learned of
their marriage, he put pressure on his new sex symbol to get a divorce.
Zanuck was about to give her star billing in Niagara, and he intended to
spend a lot of publicity dollars transforming Norma Jeane into Marilyn
Monroe, the next Hollywood Love Goddess. Zanuck told Norma Jeane that
fans don't buy sexual fantasy figures if they find out they are married
to nobody writers.
Slatzer resolved not to stand in Norma Jeane's path to fame. The two
returned to Mexico where he said they held a small ceremony on a beach
and burned their wedding certificate. Slatzer told us that Marilyn
remained his closest friend, and he felt that the two of them maintained
a special relationship until her death in 1962. He would later write The
Marilyn Files (1992) and The Life and Curious Death of Marilyn Monroe
(1974). He died on March 28, 2005.
When we spoke with Bob in 1989, he told us that at the time of Marilyn's
passing many strange things had manifested in his life. He began to
notice that particular odors would suddenly become apparent in his home,
seemingly out of nowhere.
The first time he remembered this occurring, the pungent smell of roses
filled the air in the room. He looked all around, but saw no flowers. He
even opened his patio door, but no odor of roses drifted in.
Bob knew the smell of roses. He used to grow roses as a hobby and had
worked his way through college by working in a funeral parlor, This
particular rose smell was funereal, different from a floral shop or a
garden smell.
The phenomenon began to occur periodically, sometimes twice a week,
sometimes once a month. This occurred about sixteen or seventeen times
from about 1963 until about 1981--then just as mysteriously as it came,
the funereal scent of roses went away.
In 1971, Slatzer met Anton La Vey, the High Priest of the Church of
Satan, and his wife at the home of a movie studio publicity man. During
their conversation, he learned that La Vey was fascinated with Marilyn
"We socialized for dinners and such over a period of about two years,"
Slatzer said, "Then in August 1973, Anton contacted me and told me that
about every eleven years astrologically a cycle would repeat itself and
the 'dark of moon' would come back on Saturday, August the 4th, just as
in 1962 when Marilyn had died. La Vey needed someone who knew Marilyn
very well to help manifest her."
Bob agreed to La Vey' s picking him up about 10:30 P.M. La Vey had
received permission from the then-current owner of Marilyn's home to be
there. Although she would be closing the gate, they were welcome to sit
in the cul-de-sac.
The location of the house was such that if an interloper were to
intrude, there would be no place to run and hide without scaling a six-
to seven- foot fence on either side. Their car was positioned against
the gates, looking out, and there was no one else around.
Bob Slatzer sat in the front seat on the passenger's side with Anton; La
Vey's wife was in the backseat. Anton had a tape recorder with
prerecorded songs from Marilyn's films. At about 11:45 P.M., he turned
on the recorder very softly. Anton had a penlight that he held down low
by the steering column, and he began reading something he had written.
Slatzer remembered that it was sort of like "tongues or a chant or
something" that he didn't recognize.
About 12:15 A.M., the night was still. Not one single blade of grass was
moving. The leaves on the eucalyptus tree by the corner of the house
were still.
All of a sudden, Slatzer recalled, a terrific wind came up. The tree
seemed to have an isolated wind blowing on it--yet nothing else on
either side of the road was moving. It seemed as though the wind was
blowing toward them.
"Then from out of nowhere," Slatzer said, "this woman appeared! It was
just like somebody set her there. She had on white slacks with a little
black-and-white, splash-pattern top, little white loafers, and I could
see a shock of blond hair. She started walking toward the car. I had
goose bumps all over!
"Then my journalist's mind wondered if this was a setup by Anton. I knew
he had been in town for a couple of days, but I didn't think he'd do
anything like that. He seemed too intense and serious about his work,
and he didn't seem to be that kind of person.
"This figure began walking slowly toward the house--or it seemed toward
our car since we were sitting in the driveway in front of the house. I
asked Anton if he wanted to turn a light on. He sort of tapped me on the
knee to keep quiet! I noticed that Anton was sweating profusely.
"The figure came slowly toward us and stopped about 30 feet in front of
the car. Anton had dimmed the music a little and finished his chant when
she was about halfway to us.
"All of a sudden, she veered off to our left. There used to be a big
tree there, and she just stood there, almost as if she were made of
cardboard, with kind of a wooden look, but the figure was highly.
recognizable as Marilyn!
"Then I really became a believer! She was so real! Anton's wife
exclaimed something. I looked around at her. She had practically turned
white and looked almost petrified! Anton's breath was taken, I can tell
you that!
"Marilyn hesitated for a minute, her hands clasped. It didn't appear
that she was looking directly at our car, but she seemed to be looking
at an angle past us. It appeared to me as if she was looking past the
gates, as if she wanted to enter the gates and go in but didn't want to
pass the car.
"Then she turned to her left and slowly started to walk down the middle
of the boulevard. She was about halfway when I told Anton to turn the
lights on. He said no, and appeared as if he was frozen and stuck in a
fixed position!
"I had my door open to the point where if I pushed it, it would open.
Anton had the car doors and inside lights rigged so that they would not
interfere when the doors were opened. I had the door ajar so in case I
wanted to get out, the door would not make a disturbing noise when
"By now, Marilyn was about three-fourths of the way down the street.
Without saying anything, I decided to get out. I was going to walk after
"I took off and walked as fast and as quietly as I could. When I was
about one hundred and fifty feet away from her, she turned, and as she
turned, she walked to the middle of the street--and vanished into thin
"I noticed a little ditch where water was coming down from drainage
ditches. The ditch on either side of the street was about two and a half
feet wide. When I had hurriedly walked through the water, I noticed my
footsteps left an imprint on the other side. The apparition of Marilyn
had been taking short, small, measured footsteps on the other side of
the road. There were no other footprints. If the 'being' had stepped
over or walked across the water, it would have made a very noticeably
different movement from the small steps it had been taking. I'm not
saying that she walked on water, but if even her heels had touched the
water or walked through it, there would have at least been a dripping of
"Anton and his wife came up to me, and their flashlights further proved
that my original examination and observation was true. Anton said that
he was shaken by the whole experience. He begged off dinner, saying that
he was completely drained and that he had no appetite. All he wanted was
to go back to his hotel, take a shower, lie down, and go to sleep."
La Vey, author of such works as The Satanic Bible (1969) and The Satanic
Rituals (1972), died on the day before Halloween in 1997.
Bob Slatzer told us that he had told the story of the materialization of
Marilyn Monroe only to one person besides psychic-sensitive Clarisa
Bernhardt and that was to the author Norman Mailer, who told him, "I do
not disbelieve it. I do believe these things."

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