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Paranormal News provided by Medium Bonnie Vent > Ghost child in the window or something else?? Wanna play?

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6 Mar 2017

Ghost child in the window or something else?? Wanna play?

Hi Everyone, This is Bonnie Vent.

A client sent a video and some still shots to me.  We have a mystery to solve that is truly child's play. Is there an apparition in the window or is it something else? The location is: Poplar Bluff, MO in what used to be a completely wooded area.  The client's son got a bad feeling while hiking in the remaining woods and demanded to leave.

 The client writes the following description: Something odd happened and I'd like to get your take on it. There are woods behind my place and there's a little trail that goes up into the woods. My friend, my son, another friend’s daughter and I went up the trail. We were back in the woods a little and my son started saying we had to get out of the woods.

Later, after we came home my friend was playing with the kids in my living room and I recorded a 30 second video of it. On playback, I saw what appears to be the apparition of a child peering into the window. There's something in its hand. Both kids were inside at the time. I have pictures of my friend’s daughter at the same window and there's a clear height difference. I don't know if it was a warning to stay out of the woods or if it was just curious because of the kids and followed us.

Still shot of the anomaly in the video above.

 The client attempted to recreate the image at approximately the same time the following day with the friend's daughter who was present but reportedly inside at the time the image appeared in the window.  Not only is there a height difference but the bright light that washes out the background of the image above is not present in this photo.  The hairline also appears to be different.  The client did not notice a bright light at the time and there is an awning on the outside of the window. 

 The anomaly does appear to be holding something in their hand and waves it in the air before vanishing. 


 This is a picture of the very much alive little girl who was present but inside at the time of the filming and the presence of the anomaly.  At the end of the video you see her dive into the frame. 


google.com, pub-0240078091788753, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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