Abraham Lincoln's ghost is said to be a frequent visitor to his old bedroom in the White House. (Illustration by Maija Polsley. Photo by Matthew Brady/Buyenlarge/Getty Images)
The race for the White House is heating up, but which of the candidates is most prepared for the ghostly experiences they are likely to encounter once living there?
Apparitions of some of our founding fathers and their families are said to still roam the halls and bedrooms of the executive mansion, perhaps trying to conduct unfinished national business even after death.
Undoubtedly, Hillary Clinton is one of the most familiar with paranormal occurrences at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Along with husband Bill, the Clintons are well known for their interest in UFO phenomena.
But in her years as First Lady, Hillary — who once admitted to talk show host Rosie O’Donnell that the White House “can be a little creepy” — claimed to speak to the late Eleanor Roosevelt, who even advised Clinton to, “Buck up or at least have skin as thick as a rhinoceros."
Good old Bill supported his wife’s claims at a New York dedication ceremony for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park in 2012, telling the crowd, “As all of you famously learned when I served as President, my wife, now the secretary of state, was known to commune with Eleanor on a regular basis."
Later, though, in a book by Bob Woodward about the presidential campaign titled "The Choice," Hillary's “communing” was downplayed to "purposeful imaginary dialogues used as a therapeutic exercise."
Hillary was obviously being wary of how she’d be perceived by voters who don’t believe in ghosts, so chances are you won’t be hearing Hillary or Bill talking about the paranormal anytime soon.
But if Hillary once again finds herself living in the White House, expect there to be more late-night girl talk sessions with Eleanor. You just won’t be hearing about it.
What about Donald Trump's paranormal résumé? He did recently tweet, "Wow, that's freaky. I thought I saw the ghost of Ronald Reagan, but it turns out I was just looking in a mirror."
Okay, not exactly an admission of a ghostly encounter — it was from a parody Twitter account. But if Trump does find his way to the throne, it will be interesting to see what, if any, actual experiences he has — and if he is willing to share them with the world.
Chances are his youngest son, Barron, or one of his grandchildren will have an experience, considering how throughout history many first sons and daughters have reported seeing ghosts.
Margaret Truman, daughter of Harry Truman, had ghostly encounters while living at the White House that have been well documented.
George W. Bush's daughter, Jenna, once told White House workers, "I was asleep. There was a fireplace in my room, and all of a sudden I heard 1920s music coming out of it. I could feel it. I freaked out and ran into my sister's room."
The staffers told her they often heard it as well.
Whoever the new president is, there’s a good chance he or she will run into Abraham Lincoln’s ghost, which has often been spotted hanging around the White House.
They will be in good company. Most famously, Dwight Eisenhower, Theodore Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover, along with former first ladies Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Kennedy and Ladybird Johnson, are just a few of the White House residents and visitors who claim to have seen the tragic president's apparition.
The funniest Lincoln ghost story is from Winston Churchill during a stay at the White House. Shortly after stepping out from a bath he reported seeing Lincoln's ghost standing by the fireplace.
Wearing nothing but a cigar in his mouth, Churchill supposedly said, "Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have me at a disadvantage."
Truman once said in a letter to his wife, Bess, that he often heard ghosts walking up and down the hallways, and that he was once awakened by three knocks on his bedroom door — only to find no one there.
“Damn place is haunted, sure as shootin’,” Truman said.
Maybe sometime during the next four years, the real Donald will be tweeting he just saw the actual ghost of Ronald Reagan, sure as shootin'.
Speaking of Reagan, it's worth mentioning how former first lady Nancy Reagan often spoke openly about how her dear, departed Ronnie would visit her and speak to her.
According to her daughter, Patti Davis, there was never a doubt in her mother’s mind it was really him visiting her.
It’s remarkable how many MetroSpirituals are out there, both past and present, willing to share their experiences without fear of ridicule.
Kudos to those, like the late Mrs. Reagan, who are bravely open and honest and not intimidated by what anyone says or thinks about them.
Maija Polsley began having otherworldly experiences at a young age and began attending metaphysics classes with her mother at age 12. She has since been dedicated to finding the truth and has not stopped exploring. Producer of the ghost investigation web series "Paranormal Pursuit" and founder of TheMetroSpiritual.com, Maija is a natural-born, city-dwelling, soul-seeking, independent former teen mom and single woman who is also a dimensionally educated, spiritually empathic writer, actor, poet, standup comic, tarot card reader, earth lover and quintessential metrospiritual.