Describing his spooky encounter with the Adelphi Hotel ghosts, he told the Liverpool Echo : “I often gave talks in the hotel’s Sefton Suite, and was unaware that this suite is an exact copy of the Titanic’s First Class Smoking Lounge, built by the same craftsmen hired by the White Star line.
“During one talk, there was standing room only, and I and many other people saw three men standing at the far end of the room who were dressed as naval officers with white caps and dark jackets with all the braiding.”
“The middle officer, who looked about sixty, had a white beard and stood about 5 feet 7 or 8, and the trio were there one moment then gone the next, and there were gasps of shock when this trinity of ghosts vanished.
”I was later told by a member of staff that the ghosts were those of Captain Edward Smith of the Titanic and two unidentified officers."
Ghosts: The Grand Lounge in Liverpool's Adelphi Hotel
The present Adelphi was built in 1912, the year the Titanic went down, and subsequently attracted well-to-do passengers due to travel to America on cruise liners from Liverpool.
A spokesman for Britannia hotels, which owns The Adelphi, confirmed there have been reports of ghosts in the hotel by staff for a number of years.
They said: “It wouldn’t surprise me if it was all true, over the years a few members of staff have reported seeing a grey lady in a Victorian-style dress in the basement.
Liverpool Echo
Historic: The original Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool in the early 1900s
“We’ve also had reports of somebody hanging out of a window in the Crosby Room and when everybody went to check it the window was locked.
“I’ve not personally seen anything, but it is the oldest hotel in Liverpool,