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30 Sep 2014


2 Northeast Ohio locations among ‘America’s most haunted’

CLEVELAND — You don’t need Halloween to have a paranormal encounter, you just need Northeast Ohio.

Two of the most haunted places in America are right in our backyard, according to a book released Tuesday.

Theresa Argie and Eric Olsen, co-authors of “America’s Most Haunted: The Secrets of Famous Paranormal Places” talked with Fox 8 News about their personal experiences.

“A couple things that happened when I was a child did spook me, but only enough to get me more excited to go further into it,” Argie, a professional ghost hunter, said of her interest.

(The Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, Ohio/Courtesy: Michelle Murphy via America's Most Haunted)

(The Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, Ohio/Courtesy: Michelle Murphy via America’s Most Haunted)

America’s Most Haunted

Argie said the first place she was touched by a ghost was at The Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield.  It is listed in the book as the most haunted place in America.

She and Olsen, a journalist, talked about other incidents reported there, such as full body apparitions, lots of electronic voice phenomenons, and unexplained shadows.  The team believes energy from prisoners is trapped at the facility.

(Willoughby Coal and Garden Center in Willoughby, Ohio/Courtesy: Michelle Murphy via America's Most Haunted)

(Willoughby Coal and Garden Center in Willoughby, Ohio/Courtesy: Michelle Murphy via America’s Most Haunted)

The other Northeast Ohio location profiled in the book is Willoughby Coal and Garden Center in Willoughby.

The building is a functioning hardware store with a long history including unusual deaths and strange happenings.

That’s where a book launch and signing will be held Tuesday beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Anyone interested in attending should RSVP by emailing t.argie@yahoo.com.
The book is also available on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble outlets.

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