A TEAM of TV ghost hunters will be summoning up the spirits of a 15th Century pub believed to be haunted.
The Green Man pub, in Gosfield, caught the attention of clairvoyants after the new landlord decided to hold a psychic night six weeks ago.

Pub manager Graham Carbis
"As soon as the medium came in she said the hairs went up on the back of her neck," said landlord Dean Hatton.
"When we got to a certain room in the house she went all funny – we didn't believe much of it and thought she was having a funny turn or something.
"So we asked another medium to visit us a couple of weeks later and she said exactly the same things as the first lady in exactly the same room."Word spread about the 'haunted pub' and now the TV Ghost Hunters team, aired on Syfy, are visiting the pub with cameras to 'catch' the ghost.
Andy, from the Ghost Hunter team, will stay alone in the 'haunted' room upstairs all night and attempt to coax the spirits to show themselves, whilst punters watch from a monitor set up behind the bar downstairs on June 8.
"The old landlords would not allow any mediums to come into the pub in case they found something and it would frighten people off," said Dean. "When we took over we thought 'why not'. I really didn't expect to have this much excitement in the first few weeks of owning a pub.
"Since this all happened two staff have moved out of the upstairs of the pub because they wouldn't stay with the ghost.
"Even the non-believers have said that perhaps there is something there, but no-one knows what it is.
"Some people think it is the old landlord, or victualler as they used to be called.
"Pub manager Graham Carbis only stayed in the room upstairs for one night before he asked to move to our apartment next door – before he even knew about the ghost.
"He has seen a large mirror fly off the wall and hit the pool table, and a glass fly out from the top shelf."
Graham and Dean also found an old photograph in the attic of a woman and her daughter who used to live in the pub, and think there is a chance they may be the ghosts.
Dean said: "When I first got here the pumps kept switching off, and I told the staff to stop mucking around with them.
"I changed the lock on the cellar door but the same thing happened the next week – the switches were all pushed down – how can you explain that?
"We just lived with these silly little things until we only found out now that there is possibly something in here.
"I have been in the industry for 11 years and never have I come across something like this."
Head down to The Green Man tonight, to watch the live action from 10pm onwards.