13 Oct 2012
Ghost hunters say spirits lurk in Greystone
KNOXVILLE (WATE) - Local ghost hunters say they have found no less than four spirits inhabiting Greystone, the home of WATE-TV.
Joshua Ooten, co-founder of Appalachian Paranormal Investigations, said Thursday his group found video evidence showing an apparition on the second floor of 6 News's historic home.
Through the 43 hours of video the group has combed through, Ooten said along with evidence of spirits, API found evidence of disembodied voices.
"I start to walk through here with my camera and by the time I got to this stairway something came out of this stairway and passed me and actually went through the wall," Ooten said about an encounter he says happened in the house.
The group could not definitively answer whether any of the spirits or voices could be associated with Major Camp, Greystone's first owner.