"Ghost Hunters Academy," a spinoff of the popular "Ghost Hunters" television show, returns next week on Syfy with the first episode, titled "The New Class," taking place at Waverly Hills Sanatorium in southwestern Louisville.
The paranormal reality show seeks to find the next great ghost hunter to join the team of investigators on "Ghost Hunters" or "Ghost Hunters International."
Each week, ghost hunters Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango will train new recruits, challenging them with supernatural tasks at different haunted locations previously featured on "Ghost Hunters." As in typical reality TV fashion, one recruit will be voted off each week.
We tried communicating with the show's stars, but they were too afraid to respond, so we chatted with Robert W. Parker -- also known as Mr.
Why is Waverly Hills, the former tuberculosis hospital, considered one of the top paranormal spots in the country?
Plenty of physical activity is experienced there, such as bare footprints appearing in the cafeteria walking across the floor and black shadows appearing on various floors of the building, Or a ball will roll or bounce when asked of the ghosts to make their presence known.
Are there other places in Louisville more chock full of ghosts than Waverly Hills?
No, there are many places in Louisville that are known to be haunted, but with Waverly's history and the number of patients who died there, the chances are much greater for paranormal activity to occur at Waverly than at other locations.
Are you afraid of ghosts?
No. If I'm afraid of ghosts, I'm in the wrong business.