26 Feb 2010
Help! My council house is haunted

A single mum says she is too scared to remain in her Lincoln council house after a series of ghostly goings-on.
Jade Callaby, 26, moved into the Prial Avenue property more than six years ago and says strange things began to happen almost immediately.
She has told the council about appliances switching themselves on, objects moving of their own accord, unusual banging noises and shadows seemingly without source.
And she says that this paranormal activity has now escalated.
Despite priests being called in to perform a third "blessing", the full time mother has fled in fear with her nine-year-old daughter Courtney."It's been absolutely terrifying," said Ms Callaby. "Kettles and vacuum cleaners have turned on and off by themselves, cups have moved, dark shadows have appeared and darkened rooms and my daughter has been woken up by the sound of heavy breathing in front of her face – but nobody was there.
"I used to try and explain things away, but now I believe – and I'm not staying there another night."
And City of Lincoln Council housing officials say it's not just Prial Avenue where they've had ghost problems reported.
Tenancy management team leader John Morris, said: "There have been reported cases of haunted council houses in the past, but there has never been any tangible evidence of haunting.
""We will do everything we can to support Ms Callaby.
"However if she feels she can no longer live at the property, she may, of course, apply to move to alternative accommodation."