The reality television show “Ghost Hunters” has contacted Preston about filming at the former Norwich Hospital property, the chairman of the Preston Redevelopment Agency said.
The television series premiered in 2004 on the Syfy Channel, and features Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, plumbers by trade who investigate places that may be haunted. Hawes and Wilson run TAPS, The Atlantic Paranormal Society, a group of volunteer paranormal researchers.
Redevelopment Agency Chairman Kent Borner said a representative of the show contacted the agency during the summer about a possible program, and supervising producer Matthew Meltzer called again last week.
Meltzer said Wednesday he does not have an agreement with Preston, but is excited about the possibility of filming. He said the cast, based in Warwick, R.I., knows of the site.
“They are very familiar with properties in New England, and this is one that has an extensive reputation ... for being haunted,” he said.
Borner said the show could help spread the word about the property.
“If they find ghosts, we’ll get good publicity. If they don’t find ghosts, it’s still good publicity,” he said. Preston would probably get a few thousand dollars to accommodate the filming, he said.
Linda Christensen, president of the Preston Historical Society, said she doesn’t know a lot about the hospital’s history, but said television programs filmed at historic buildings call attention to them.
“It kind of draws your interest back to the building itself, to the historic aspect of it, so I see no harm in it,” she said. “If they could go in and do some photography in there, I’d be interested in that.”
The Norwich State Hospital for the Insane opened in 1904, and was renamed Norwich State Hospital in the 1920s. It functioned as a mental health facility for decades, and peaked with a population in the thousands in the 1950s.
The hospital closed in 1996.