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27 Oct 2009


Spooky Tesla Spirit Radio

at 10:55 am. Filed under Cool Gadgets, Electronic Hacks


Mr Fixit Rick has been hard at work building a machine that demons from the afterlife can talk through. It makes for a great Halloween centerpiece. Well maybe it doesn’t exactly channel demons but it is still lots of fun. If you want to have lots of spooky fun you can even build your own! There is still time to enter your Halloween Project into the Contest.

Via: Hacked Gadgegts Forum (Halloween Project Contest)

"This simple crystal radio shows abilities such as: detecting lightning, making voice phenomena, interacting with all forms of light, creating music and sound effects, reading a computer screen, acting as a mike, and detecting RF pulses. In that order!"

google.com, pub-0240078091788753, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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