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6 Sep 2009


Ghost Hunter, Paranormal Investigator & Parapsychologist - What's the difference??



Ghost Hunter, Paranormal Investigator and Parapsychologist - What's the difference?How many times have you heard the terms, "Ghost Hunter", "Paranormal Investigator" or "Parapsychologist", and think they were all the same?  Most people would assume they are, but is there really a difference between them? 

The answer is, "ABSOLUTELY"!!   There are several aspects of each of these titles that express what these people do and how they look at the field.  Let's take a look at each of them.  The following is a simple breakdown of the elements which make up each one.

It seem that this title would pretty much say it all.  To hunt ghosts would imply that these individuals  assume there are ghosts and they are on a quest to find them. 

These individuals are usually hobbiest and their investigations generally consist of walking arround a cemetery late at night with a flashlight, a camera and possibly a single axis Electromagnetic Field Meter (EMF) and hoping to see something that will scare the bejebeeze out of them.  They are simply thrill seekers with little to no education in the field of ghost research and investigation. They usually watch all of the Ghost Hunting shows on TV and accept them as reality. Read More

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