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3 Aug 2009


A Tribute To Trudy Causey
Posted On 08/03/2009 05:24:40 by parac2

 Hi everyone it is with true regret that today I say goodbye to Trudy Cause y a true friend and blessing to the paranormal community, although some of you may have never heard of Trudy almost anyone who is or has been a member of a Paranormal Yahoo Group since 2003 maybe before is bound to know who she is. For years Trudy has shared her intensivive knowledge with us in regards to paranormal phenomena. This a a woman who had her own paranormal library at home a more knowledgeable person in the paranormal community was not to be found. Through the years I have watched Trudy's post to the Yahoo Groups sometimes sharing the latest paranormal news sometime haring something she found interesting she felt the community could benefit from, sometimes supporting other who seemed discouraged sometime defending those being ridiculed. Trudy was always at the fore front trying to make the paranormal community a place to learn to grow to make friends to be a friend. I personally no of anyone who comes to my mind who has contributed more to the paranormal community in a effort to make it better than Trudy. What some may not realize is Trudy had no books or anything she was selling right up til she crossed over every thing Trudy did she did because she was convinced in her heart everything she studied was true and needful to the community and because her joy in life was to learn and grow and assist others in the same. Last November I had the honor of having Trudy on my show to share everything she had learned over the years with my listeners. At the time I had no idea her time among us was so short til last night when her daughter Sherry contacted me to sadly report the news, and to let me know that thanks to Trudy being on my show they would always be able to hear her voice. This moved my heart for more than one reason, one being that Trudy's family would have something few families have sense most only have pictures, this made me happy that Trudy had this audio treasure to leave but it also showed me that my show can be benifical in ways I never dreamed or thought of.Plus I was happy to get this pleasure of being a intregal part in Trudy's family having this memory. But I thought to myself after all Trudy has done for the paranormal community over the years I did not want her to be forgotten so for this reason I am paying Trudy this tribute with the show we did together so that the whole community may share the memory of her. She will be missed. This link will open our show in Windows Media Player


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