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25 Feb 2009

ESP and Dreams

with Robert Van de Castle, PhD.

Friday February 27, 2009

7:30 – 9:00 PM at the Stedman Auditorium



Throughout recorded history, dreams have always been accorded a special place whenever accounts of psychic events are reviewed. In the Bible, Joseph’s insightful interpretations of the Pharaoh’s dreams helped to avert the disastrous consequences of the forthcoming plague. Dream accounts from the 19th century will be discussed, as well as the extensive work featuring the prominence of dreams in the collection of spontaneous cases studied by Dr. Louisa Rhine.


Dr. Van de Castle will describe the first ground-breaking studies linking telepathy and dreams conducted at Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn by Stanley Krippner and Montague Ullman in the 1970s. He will also share information about his role as “The Prince of the Percipients,” an honorary title he was awarded because of his success as a telepathic receiver in their studies. Attention will be directed toward areas that Dr. Van de Castle feels should receive increased emphasis in the future such as studies involving identical twins , lucid dreaming, organ transplants, and geomagnetic influences.


The speaker will summarize what has been learned about how individuals may display impressive correspondences in their dream imagery, when their intention is to strengthen their interpersonal or transpersonal connections to others through dreaming. He will describe his experience with using a Dream Helper approach to utilize telepathic dreaming in helping others in a group or workshop setting.



Bob Van de Castle Ph.D. is Professor Emeritus at UVA and a Former Director of the Sleep and Dream Lab at UVA Medical Center. He has worked over 40 years in such areas as the content and interpretation of dreams. He is a Past President of the Association for the Study of Dreams and also of the Parapsychology Association. The author of many publications, his most recent book Our Dreaming Mind, will be on sale at the both the Friday evening event and the Saturday workshop.

His website: Our Dreaming Mind



Rhine Members $10:00 * Non-Members * $15.00 * Students $5:00 Contact Rhine Research for tickets at www.rhine.org


The book Our Dreaming Mind is $25.00. Signed copies, with specific inscriptions, may be preordered by calling the Rhine Center Office at 919-309-4600.






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