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9 Jan 2009



By Kerry Klatt

Courthouse said to be haunted to appear on TV


ALBERT LEA, MN (KTTC-TV) -- The Freeborn County Courthouse will soon be featured in a television show about paranormal activity.

The Historic Courthouse in Albert Lea is said to be haunted.

For many years, there have been reports of paranormal activity in and around the courthouse.

Some say the suspicious activity is linked to a suicide that happened in the 1930s.

When a television show called "Dead Reckoning" contacted Freeborn County officials asking if they could come and investigate, the County Commissioners agreed.

The Commissioners recommended to producers that the building's maintenance manager, Randy Jensen, be involved in the taping because he knows first hand that the courthouse has spirits lurking around.

Randy Jensen says, "Yeah, I've heard things. When I worked nights I would hear doors slam, but there was nobody else in the building, and I've had other staff members hear things, and some have seen things."

Jensen says the unexplainable activity doesn't bother him, but he says some people do get uncomfortable at night because the building is old and creaky.

Furthermore, Jensen was telling me that a woman, years back, was up in the old courthouse cleaning and she saw a mist or a fog of some sort floating across the hallway.

But, Jensen says he has never seen anything like that.



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