Living with Ghosts is more common than anyone has suspected because most people tend to ignore their unexplained experiences or deny them. Things that can be assigned a plausible explanation are and that's that.

Because of my ongoing connection and interaction with nightlights and other anomalies of an electrical nature that can be seen, my family and a few close friends are very aware of quirky things that happen around me. The nice thing is that it isn't a big deal. Unusual, yes; and that is normal for me.

A friend found it amazing that his office lights would flash just before I arrived. When I got there, they burned brighter. If he needed help or insight, something would happen totally off the wall and he could acknowledge that as a clue to reach out and call me.

When I got to the house for the family gathering, the space seemed to have more charge to it. I mentioned something about it but didn't give it too much thought. To me, the energy felt fuller and more electric. It is a feeling I get that tells me that, in addition to the physical family members, there are also those present who are in spirit.

Very strong in his faith, my grandfather used to deliver a sometimes-rambling blessing to start the holiday meals. Absent this year, he still managed to put in a cameo in spirit. As we started to eat, it felt awkward without the blessing but no one stepped up. Then, the lights above the table flickered - enough to let everyone know - and the only time they have done that - we had company. With no need for further prompting, I offered the blessing. True to form, it rambled. I have no idea what I said but the words seemed to fit at the time. I felt my Grandfather's presence and a strong sense that he is still kicking and watching over his flock to remind us the value of blessing and giving thanks OUT LOUD. Whatever faith we have is stronger when we can share it.

And to add an extra kick. The photos I took had wonderful little orbs. They started out in the background and worked their way toward the front of the gathering. I do not include faces... just an orb close-up. I see orbs as energy signatures and I can sense them stronger in certain areas but they are everywhere we go. It's always a lot more fun when they show up in photos.

Thank you Grandpa and the others who came to call...there were several...for reminding those of us still working through our daily life dramas in the physical plane, of how great a blessing it is to have the opportunity and the power to create a wonderful life! For that, it is good to say thank-you - for all -and- to all - that is contributing to that potential.