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5 Dec 2008


'Grey's Anatomy' Exclusive: Izzie/Denny ghost story twist revealed!

by Michael Ausiello

Greysheiglmorgan_l Warning: Stop reading, Grey's Anatomy fans, if you don't want to know the big secret behind Denny's afterlife love affair with Izzie.

I'm serious. Stop.

Okay then, here we go. Turns out Shonda Rhimes wasn't lying when she told me last month that a brain tumor wasn't what was causing Izzie's case of "I see dead people... and have sex with them!" But she was being sneaky.

Last chance to run, spoilerphobes!

According to multiple sources, Izzie's hallucinations are health-related -- and brain-related. And although the specific name of the ailment is being kept in the safe underneath Rhimes' desk, I'm told it's similar to an aneurysm. And every time it flares up, she sees Denny. And sometimes when it really flares up, she shags him. (A Grey's rep could not be reached for comment.)

But wait, there's more! Izzie's aneurysmish disorder was never intended to be fatal. Plans change, but, per an ABC insider, Rhimes didn't cook up this story in order to grant Katherine Heigl's alleged wish to be let go from the show. Rather, the boss wanted to give her employee the thing she allegedly wanted, the thing that eluded her last season: great, Emmy-worthy material.

And say what you want about the story, Heigl has delivered.

For their part, ABC execs remain divided except for on one point: Everyone acknowledges that the plot is asking the audience to take a huge leap. "It's definitely an unorthodox story, but I trust in Shonda," maintains one suit, who says the press will eviscerate the net no matter what they do. "If we interfere, we get blamed for messing with someone's creative vision. If we don't do anything, we get blamed for the backlash. You really can't win."

Another insider says Alphabet execs are getting antsy waiting for the audience to find out about the underlying medical issue fueling Izzie's spectral romance. So antsy, in fact, that they are applying some light pressure on Rhimes to speed up the reveal. Once you know the reason Izzie is seeing Denny, they figure, you'll be much more willing to go along for the ride.

Well, let's put that theory to the test: Now that you know what's behind Izzie's condition, do you feel better? Worse? Indifferent? Sound off below! (Personally, I can get on board with this story now. I think.)

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