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24 Oct 2008


Using science to explore the paranormal


Rachel Eversole/Columnist


Ghouls, goblins, witches and demons: 'Tis the season for mystical merriment.

Whether you still relish the idea of dressing up, visiting haunted houses (reported or fictional), or just staying in to watch classic slasher films - Halloween is a youth-oriented, time-honored tradition, where fun and fantasy prevail. But it is hard to determine where temporary fictional merriment ends and the year-round belief in the paranormal begins.

The idea of the paranormal goes beyond the range of normal experience or of pertaining to events or perceptions occurring without scientific explanation. There are many areas included in the paranormal, such as astrology, parapsychology, astral projection (the ability to leave one's body and return), telepathy (using one's mind to control outside forces), psychic abilities and hauntings. Many claim to have actual paranormal experiences but have really taken odd occurrences as fact without weighing them against scientific evidence.

According to studies performed for the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, only 7 percent of Americans do not believe in some form of paranormal activity. With today's technological breakthroughs and our dependence on scientific innovations and analysis, this percentage is quite surprising.

But this phenomenon is not limited to the United States; the belief in the paranormal is worldwide. We can't turn on a television in any country without seeing advertising for shows depicting communication with the dead, infomercials advertising real psychic readings and even religious faith healers removing those physically inflicted by demonic possession.

The media sees our generation's fascination with the paranormal and commercially exploits us by providing material to indulge in. What is not known and has yet to be scientifically determined is whether we are influenced by the media or if the media is influenced by us.

What proves prominent in a person's belief is a combination of influences consisting of parental, religious and societal aspects. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny, while seemingly harmless ideas, create a misunderstood belief in children about the paranormal.

Even when we grow out of these beliefs in fictional characters, many still tend to explain odd experiences with mystical reasoning. According to the X-Files, the most likely candidates to report paranormal experiences, oddly enough, are us: the young and well-educated.

With all of our instruction on basing information on fact and proof, we don't take these practices and apply them to real-life situations. Our emotions tend to supercede our ability to reason.

This is not meant to be a downer on the excitement that is the Halloween season. I am a big fan of the occult holiday and a believer of the paranormal, but I am one to use science and evidence to reason and not accept so-called paranormal claims at face value. There are many logical explanations to help distinguish between the real and the unreal. Widespread acceptance is disillusioning, so don't be fooled by hoaxes disguised as the real deal. Science is the pursuit of truth…and the truth is out there!

Rachel Eversole is a senior English major. She can be reached at 581-7942 or at DENopinions@gmail.com.


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