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27 Aug 2008


Is Asheville High Haunted?  Paranormal Expert says No!

By Connie LeGrand


Published: August 27, 2008

Is Asheville High School Haunted?  You saw the video of a shadow creeping around the halls captured by a school surveillance camera at 2:51 a.m. August 1, 2008.  The school district said it couldn’t explain what it was, and a paranormal expert told us this one was impossible to hoax.  However, another paranormal expert has come forward to say he can solve the mystery.

Joe Wright is a P.S.I. That’s Paranormal Scene Investigator.  He says for more than twenty years he has been investigating paranormal activity. “It’s the thrill of the hunt,” and most of the time, he says images -like the one in the video captured by a camera at Asheville High School- can be explained.  “You are never 100 percent sure, but through my experiences, with other anomalies… It’s a bug.” A bug?!  What about that shadow cast on the floor?  “When you get the bug close enough to the objects (camera), the area between the head… the head and the body… is going to appear detached, because it’s a so much smaller area.” Wright says the fish-eye camera lens also plays a role.  “The optics from that lens itself is going to allow an object to be distorted somewhat too.  It’s going to stretch it out,” says Wright.

Like they say on the CBS show, C.S.I., Wright says the evidence doesn’t lie.  “Whether we prove it, or disprove it, we enjoy the type that leads up to the final conclusion.” He says case closed.  “It’s a bug.”



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