26 Aug 2008
EE reporter’s night with Aberdeen spooks
Reporter stays in ‘haunted’ jail
By Lynn Kernan
A CONDEMNED man cowers in his Aberdeen jail cell while his last rights are read out.
Screams and moans echo through the draughty Aberdeen jail where prisoners are crammed tightly into tiny rooms.
And outside the gallows loom high as crowds await the death of the terrified criminal.
Four centuries on and the history-soaked Tollbooth in Aberdeen is hardly the perfect place to spend a night.
But I braved the dark and joined a group of intrepid ghost hunters.
This was the third investigation at the archaic city jail, now a museum, for the East of Scotland Paranormal society. The group, led by Rachael Hayward, spend their nights in some of the North-east’s eeriest nooks and crannies.
I met Rachael and her team at the Tollbooth.
“The last time we were here there were strange rises in humidity and temperature,” said Rachael.
“We also heard a strange singing, dragging noises and footsteps.”
Halfway through our hour in the gloom a massive bang rang out from the opposite corner.
And the battery power of a video camera capturing the vigil suddenly drained power.
And a hi-tech thermometer started erratic temperature skips.
But the strangest event of the evening was the unexplained movement of objects left lying to attract spooks.
Trigger objects – such as rosary beads, a nine of diamonds playing card and marbles – were used lying on card covered in a layer of flour.
When the group returned the objects had moved – the playing card had been pushed forward whilst the beads had been lifted and dropped.
I am still not sure if I have been converted to a true believer but one thing is certain – I don’t fancy another night in the dark in the city’s jailhouse.